get_wcde {wcde}R Documentation

Download data from the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Data Explorer


Downloads data from the Wittgenstein Centre Human Capital Data Explorer. Requires a working internet connection.


  indicator = "pop",
  scenario = 2,
  country_code = NULL,
  country_name = NULL,
  pop_age = c("total", "all"),
  pop_sex = c("total", "both", "all"),
  pop_edu = c("total", "four", "six", "eight"),
  include_scenario_names = FALSE,
  server = c("iiasa", "github", "1&1", "search-available", "iiasa-local"),
  version = c("wcde-v3", "wcde-v2", "wcde-v1")



One character string based on the indicator column in the wic_indicators data frame, representing the variable to be downloaded.


Vector of length one or more with numbers corresponding the scenarios. See details for more information. Defaults to 2 for the SSP2 Medium scenario.


Vector of length one or more of country numeric codes based on ISO 3 digit numeric values.


Vector of length one or more of country names. The corresponding country code will be guessed using the countrycodes package.


Character string for population age groups if indicator is set to pop. Defaults to no age groups total, but can be set to all.


Character string for population sexes if indicatoris set to pop. Defaults to no sex total, but can be set to both or all.


Character string for population educational attainment if indicator is set to pop. Defaults to total, but can be set to four, six or eight.


Logical vector of length one to indicate if to include additional columns for scenario names and short names. FALSE by default.


Character string for server to download from. Defaults to iiasa, but can use github or 1&1 if IIASA server is down. Can check availability by setting to search-available.


Character string for version of projections to obtain. Defaults to wcde-v3, but can use wcde-v2 or wcde-v1. Scenario and indicator availability vary between versions.


If no country_name or country_code is provided data for all countries and regions are downloaded. A full list of available countries and regions can be found in the wic_locations data frame.

indicator must be set to a value in the first column in the table below of available demographic indicators:

indicator Indicator Description
pop Population Size (000's)
bpop Population Size by Broad Age (000's)
epop Population Size by Education (000's)
prop Educational Attainment Distribution
bprop Educational Attainment Distribution by Broad Age
growth Average Annual Growth Rate
nirate Average Annual Rate of Natural Increase
sexratio Sex Ratio
mage Population Median Age
tdr Total Dependency Ratio
ydr Youth Dependency Ratio
odr Old-age Dependency Ratio
ryl15 Age When Remaining Life Expectancy is Below 15 years
pryl15 Proportion of Population with a Remaining Life Expectancy below 15 Years
mys Mean Years of Schooling by Age
bmys Mean Years of Schooling by Broad Age
ggapmys15 Gender Gap in Mean Years Schooling (15+)
ggapmys25 Gender Gap in Mean Years Schooling (25+)
ggapedu15 Gender Gap in Educational Attainment (15+)
ggapedu25 Gender Gap in Educational Attainment (25+)
tfr Total Fertility Rate
etfr Total Fertility Rate by Education
asfr Age-Specific Fertility Rate
easfr Age-Specific Fertility Rate by Education
cbr Crude Birth Rate
macb Mean Age at Childbearing
emacb Mean Age at Childbearing by Education
e0 Life Expectancy at Birth
cdr Crude Death Rate
assr Age-Specific Survival Ratio
eassr Age-Specific Survival Ratio by Education
net Net Migration
netedu Net Migration Flows by Education
emi Emigration Flows
imm Immigration Flows

See wic_indicators data frame for more details.

scenario must be set to one or values in the first column table below of the available future scenarios:

scenario description version
1 Rapid Development (SSP1) V1, V2, V3
2 Medium (SSP2) V1, V2, V3
3 Stalled Development (SSP3) V1, V2, V3
4 Inequality (SSP4) V1, V3
5 Conventional Development (SSP5) V1, V3
20 Medium - Constant Enrollment Rate (SSP2-CER) V1
21 Medium - Fast Track Education (SSP2-FT) V1
22 Medium - Zero Migration (SSP2-ZM) V2, V3
23 Medium - Double Migration (SSP2-DM) V2, V3

See wic_scenarios data frame for more details.


A tibble with the data selected.


# SSP2 tfr for Austria and Bulgaria
get_wcde(indicator = "tfr", country_code = c(40, 100))

# SSP1 and SSP2 life expectancy for Vietnam and United Kingdom (guessing the country codes)
get_wcde(scenario = c(1, 2), indicator = "e0", country_name = c("Vietnam", "UK"))

# SSP1 and SSP3 population by education for all countries
get_wcde(scenario = c(1, 3), indicator = "tfr")

# population totals (aggregated over age, sex and education)
get_wcde(indicator = "pop", country_name = "Austria")

# population totals by education group
get_wcde(indicator = "pop", country_name = "Austria", pop_edu = "four")

# population totals by age-sex group
get_wcde(indicator = "pop", country_name = "Austria", pop_age = "all", pop_sex = "both")

[Package wcde version 0.0.7 Index]