wb_cache {wbstats}R Documentation

Download an updated list of country, indicator, and source information


Download an updated list of information regarding countries, indicators, sources, regions, indicator topics, lending types, income levels, and supported languages from the World Bank API





Language in which to return the results. If lang is unspecified, english is the default. For supported languages see wb_languages(). Possible values of lang are in the iso2 column. A note of warning, not all data returns have support for langauges other than english. If the specific return does not support your requested language by default it will return NA.


A list containing the following items:


Not all data returns have support for langauges other than english. If the specific return does not support your requested language by default it will return NA. For an enumeration of supported languages by data source please see wb_languages()

Saving this return and using it has the cache parameter in wb_data() and wb_search() replaces the default cached version wb_cachelist that comes with the package itself

[Package wbstats version 1.0.4 Index]