makewpstRO {wavethresh} | R Documentation |
Make a wavelet packet regression object from a dependent and independent time series variable.
The idea here is to try and build facilities to enable
a transfer function model along
the lines of that described by Nason and Sapatinas 2002 in
Statistics and Computing. The idea is to turn the
variable into a set of nondecimated wavelet packets
which are already pre-selected to have some semblance of relationship
to the response
time series. The function does not actually
perform any regression, in contrast to the related makewpstDO
but returns a data frame which the user can use to build their own models.
makewpstRO(timeseries, response, filter.number = 10,
family = "DaubExPhase", trans = logabs, percentage = 10)
timeseries |
The dependent variable time series. This series is decomposed
using the |
response |
The independent or response time series. |
filter.number |
The type of wavelet used within |
family |
The family of wavelet, see |
trans |
A transform to apply to the nondecimated wavelet packet coefficients before any selection |
percentage |
The top |
The idea behind this methodology is that a response
time series might not be directly related to the dependent
time series, but it might be related to the
nondecimated wavelet packets of the timeseries
, these packets
can pick out various features of the timeseries
certain delays, oscillations and others.
The best packets (the number if controlled by percentage
), those
that correlate best with response
are selected and returned.
The response
and the best nondecimated wavelet packets
are returned in a data frame object and then any convenient form of
statistical modeling can be used to build a model of the response
terms of the packet variables.
Once a model has been built it can be interpreted in the usual way, but with respect to nondecimated wavelet packets.
Note that nondecimated wavelet packets are essential, as they are all of the same length as the original response series. If a decimated wavelet packet algorithm had been used then it is not clear what to do with the "gaps"!
If new timeseries
data comes along the wpstREGR
function can be used to extract the identical packets as the ones
produced by this function (as the result of this function stores the
identities of these packets). Then the statistical modelling that
build the model from the output of this function, can be used to
predict future values of the response
time series from future
values of the timeseries
An object of class wpstRO
containing the following items
df |
A data frame containing the |
ixvec |
A packet index vector. After taking the nondecimated wavelet packet transform, all the packets are stored in a matrix. This vector indicates those that were preselected |
level |
The original level from which the preselected vectors came from |
pktix |
Another index vector, this time referring to the original wavelet packet object, not the matrix in which they subsequently got stored |
nlevelsWT |
The number of resolution levels in the original wavelet packet object |
cv |
The correlation vector. These are the values of the correlations of the packets with the response, then sorted in terms of decreasing absolute correlation |
filter |
The wavelet filter details |
trans |
The transformation function actually used |
G P Nason
Nason, G.P. and Sapatinas, T. (2002) Wavelet packet transfer function modeling of nonstationary time series. Statistics and Computing, 12, 45-56.
See Also
baseseries <- BabyECG[1:256]
# Make up a FICTITIOUS response series!
response <- BabyECG[6:261]*3+52
# Do the modeling
BabeModel <- makewpstRO(timeseries=baseseries, response=response)
#Level: 0 ..........
#1 ..........
#2 ..........
#3 ..........
#4 ................
#Contains SWP coefficients
#Original time series length: 256
#Number of bases: 25
#Some basis selection performed
# Level Pkt Index Orig Index Score
#[1,] 5 0 497 0.6729833
#[2,] 4 0 481 0.6120771
#[3,] 6 0 505 0.4550616
#[4,] 3 0 449 0.4309924
#[5,] 7 0 509 0.3779385
#[6,] 1 53 310 0.3275428
#[7,] 2 32 417 -0.3274858
#[8,] 2 59 444 -0.2912863
#[9,] 3 16 465 -0.2649679
#[10,] 1 110 367 0.2605178
#etc. etc.
# Let's look at the data frame component
# [1] "response" "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4" "X5"
# [7] "X6" "X7" "X8" "X9" "X10" "X11"
#[13] "X12" "X13" "X14" "X15" "X16" "X17"
#[19] "X18" "X19" "X20" "X21" "X22" "X23"
#[25] "X24" "X25"
# Generate a formula including all of the X's (note we could use the .
# argument, but we later want to be more flexible
xnam <- paste("X", 1:25, sep="")
fmla1 <- as.formula(paste("response ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse= "+")))
# Now let's fit a linear model, the response on all the Xs
Babe.lm1 <- lm(fmla1, data=BabeModel$df)
# Do an ANOVA to see what's what
#Analysis of Variance Table
#Response: response
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#X1 1 214356 214356 265.7656 < 2.2e-16 ***
#X2 1 21188 21188 26.2701 6.289e-07 ***
#X3 1 30534 30534 37.8565 3.347e-09 ***
#X4 1 312 312 0.3871 0.5344439
#X5 1 9275 9275 11.4999 0.0008191 ***
#X6 1 35 35 0.0439 0.8343135
#X7 1 195 195 0.2417 0.6234435
#X8 1 94 94 0.1171 0.7324600
#X9 1 331 331 0.4103 0.5224746
#X10 1 0 0 0.0006 0.9810560
#X11 1 722 722 0.8952 0.3450597
#X12 1 0 0 0.0004 0.9850243
#X13 1 77 77 0.0959 0.7570769
#X14 1 2770 2770 3.4342 0.0651404 .
#X15 1 6 6 0.0072 0.9326155
#X16 1 389 389 0.4821 0.4881649
#X17 1 44 44 0.0544 0.8157015
#X18 1 44 44 0.0547 0.8152640
#X19 1 4639 4639 5.7518 0.0172702 *
#X20 1 490 490 0.6077 0.4364469
#X21 1 389 389 0.4823 0.4880660
#X22 1 85 85 0.1048 0.7463860
#X23 1 1710 1710 2.1198 0.1467664
#X24 1 12 12 0.0148 0.9033427
#X25 1 82 82 0.1019 0.7498804
#Residuals 230 185509 807
#Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# Looks like X1, X2, X3, X5, X14 and X19 are "significant". Also throw in
# X4 as it was a highly ranked preselected variable, and refit
fmla2 <- response ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X14 + X19
Babe.lm2 <- lm(fmla2, data=BabeModel$df)
# Let's see the ANOVA table for this
#Analysis of Variance Table
#Response: response
# Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
#X1 1 214356 214356 279.8073 < 2.2e-16 ***
#X2 1 21188 21188 27.6581 3.128e-07 ***
#X3 1 30534 30534 39.8567 1.252e-09 ***
#X4 1 312 312 0.4076 0.5238034
#X5 1 9275 9275 12.1075 0.0005931 ***
#X14 1 3095 3095 4.0405 0.0455030 *
#X19 1 4540 4540 5.9259 0.0156263 *
#Residuals 248 189989 766
#Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# So, let's drop X4, refit, and then do ANOVA
Babe.lm3 <- update(Babe.lm2, . ~ . -X4)
# After viewing this, drop X14
Babe.lm4 <- update(Babe.lm3, . ~ . -X14)
# Let's plot the original series, and the "fitted" one
## Not run: ts.plot(BabeModel$df[["response"]])
## Not run: lines(fitted(Babe.lm4), col=2)
# Let's plot the wavelet packet basis functions associated with the model
## Not run: oldpar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
## Not run: z <- rep(0, 256)
## Not run: zwp <- wp(z, filter.number=BabeModel$filter$filter.number,
## End(Not run)
## Not run: draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[1], index=BabeModel$pktix[1], main="", sub="")
## Not run: draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[2], index=BabeModel$pktix[2], main="", sub="")
## Not run: draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[3], index=BabeModel$pktix[3], main="", sub="")
## Not run: draw(zwp, level=BabeModel$level[5], index=BabeModel$pktix[5], main="", sub="")
## Not run: par(oldpar)
# Now let's do some prediction of future values of the response, given
# future values of the baseseries
newseries <- BabyECG[257:512]
# Get the new data frame
newdfinfo <- wpstREGR(newTS = newseries, wpstRO=BabeModel)
# Now use the best model (Babe.lm4) with the new data frame (newdfinfo)
# to predict new values of response
newresponse <- predict(object=Babe.lm4, newdata=newdfinfo)
# What is the "true" response, well we made up a response earlier, so let's
# construct the true response for this future data (in your case you'll
# have a separate genuine response variable)
trucfictresponse <- BabyECG[262:517]*3+52
# Let's see them plotted on the same plot
## Not run: ts.plot(trucfictresponse)
## Not run: lines(newresponse, col=2)
# On my plot they look tolerably close!