Streamline Bioacoustic Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘warbleR’ version 1.1.30

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auto_detec 'auto_detec' automatically detects the start and end of vocalizations in sound files based on amplitude, duration, and frequency range attributes.
by_element_est Convert a by-song extended selection table to by-element
catalog Create catalogs of vocal signals
catalog2pdf Combine 'catalog' images into pdfs
check_sels Check selection data frames
check_sound_files Check sound files
color_spectro Highlight spectrogram regions
compare_methods Assessing the performance of acoustic distance measurements
comp_matrix Example matrix listing selections to be compared by 'cross_correlation'
consolidate Consolidate (sound) files into a single directory
cross_correlation Time-frequency cross-correlation
duration_sound_files Measure the duration of sound files
envelope Calculates the absolute amplitude envelope
filter_sels Subset selection data frames based on manually filtered image files
find_clipping Find clipped selections
find_peaks Find cross-correlation peaks
fix_extended_selection_table Fix extended selection tables
fix_wavs Fix .wav files to allow importing them into R
freq_DTW Acoustic dissimilarity using dynamic time warping on dominant frequency contours
freq_range Detect frequency range iteratively
freq_range_detec Detect frequency range on wave objects
freq_ts Extract frequency contours as time series
full_spectrogram2pdf 'full_spectrogram2pdf' combines 'full_spectrograms' images in .jpeg format to a single pdf file.
full_spectrograms Create long spectrograms of entire sound files
gaps Gap duration
image_to_wave Convert images into wave objects
inflections Count number of inflections in a frequency contour
info_sound_files Get sound file parameter information
is_extended_selection_table Class 'extended_selection_table': selection table containing wave objects
is_selection_table Class 'selection_table': double-checked frequency/time coordinates of selections
lbh_selec_table Example data frame of selections (i.e. selection table).
lbh_selec_table2 Example data frame of selections (i.e. selection table).
map_xc Maps of 'Xeno-Canto' recordings by species
mfcc_stats Calculate descriptive statistics on Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
move_images Move/copy image files between directories
mp32wav Convert .mp3 files to .wav
multi_DTW A wrapper on 'dtwDist' for comparing multivariate contours
new_function_names Data frame detailing function name changes
open_wd Open working directory
overlapping_sels Find overlapping selections
phylo_spectro Add spectrograms onto phylogenetic trees
plot_coordination Coordinated singing graphs
query_xc Access 'Xeno-Canto' recordings and metadata
read_sound_file An extended version of read_wave that reads several sound file formats and files from selection tables
read_wave A wrapper for tuneR's readWave that read sound files listed within selection tables
remove_channels Remove channels in wave files
remove_silence Remove silence in wave files
rename_est_waves Rename wave objects and associated metadata in extended selection tables
resample_est Resample wave objects in a extended selection table
selec.table Alternative name for 'lbh_selec_table'
selection_table Create 'selection_table' and 'extended_selection_table' objects
sig2noise Measure signal-to-noise ratio
simulate_songs Simulate animal vocalizations
sim_coor_sing Simulated coordinated singing events.
snr_spectrograms Spectrograms with background noise margins
song_analysis Calculates acoustic parameters at the song level
sort_colms Sort columns in a more intuitive order
sound_pressure_level Measure relative sound pressure level
spectrograms Spectrograms of selected signals
spectro_analysis Measure acoustic parameters in batches of sound files
split_sound_files Splits sound files
tailor_sels Interactive view of spectrograms to tailor selections
test_coordination Randomization test for singing coordination
track_freq_contour Spectrograms with frequency measurements
try_na Wrapper for "try" function
tweak_spectro Plot a mosaic of spectrograms with varying display parameters
warbleR_options Setting warbleR options
wav_2_flac Convert .wav files to .flac
wpd_features Measure wavelet packet decomposition features (EXPERIMENTAL)