authenticate | Authenticate with Semestry Termtime API |
get_activities_report_attr | Retrieve activity report attr from the Semestry API |
get_activities_report_sche | Retrieve activity report schedule from the Semestry API |
get_buildings | Retrieve building data from the Semestry API |
get_campuses | Retrieve campus data from the Semestry API |
get_courses | Retrieve course data from the Semestry API |
get_database | Retrieve data from the Semestry API database endpoint |
get_departments | Retrieve department data from the Semestry API |
get_modules | Retrieve module data from the Semestry API |
get_offers | Retrieve offers from the Semestry API |
get_report_booking | Retrieve booking report from the Semestry API |
get_report_room | Retrieve room report from the Semestry API |
get_roombookings | Retrieve room booking data from the Semestry API |
get_rooms | Retrieve room data from the Semestry API |
get_schedule_rooms | Retrieve schedule rooms data from the Semestry API |
get_staff | Retrieve staff data from the Semestry API |
get_staff_pools | Retrieve staff pools from the Semestry API |
get_students | Retrieve student data from the Semestry API |
get_student_group_maps | Retrieve student group mapppings from the Semestry API |
get_timeframes | Retrieve timeframes data from the Semestry API |
get_webhooks | Retrieve webhook data from the Semestry API |