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Documentation for package ‘vvshiny’ version 0.1.1

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basic_plot Create a basic plot using ggplot
bind_both Bind both
bind_both_table Bind both table
clean_pltly_legend Clean the legend of a plotly object
display_name Get a user-friendly display name
dropdownTabDirect dropdownTabDirect function
dropdownTabMenu dropdownTabMenu function
filter_with_lists Filter with lists
gantt_app Gantt Chart Shiny App
gantt_plot Create a Gantt plot using ggplot and plotly
ggplotly_with_legend Make ggplotly and add legend with color as title
ggplot_basic_settings Set ggplot basic settings
grid_boxplots Grid boxplot
grid_histograms Grid histogram
keep_only_relevant_values Keep only relevant values
keep_values Keep values
pickerGanttValues pickerGanttValues function
pickerGanttVar pickerGanttVar function
pickerSankeyValues pickerSankeyValues function
pickerSankeyVar pickerSankeyVar function
pickerSplitVar pickerSplitVar function
pickerValues pickerValues function
pickerVar pickerVar function
prep_df Prepare a dataframe
prep_df_summ Prepare summarized dataframe
prep_df_summ_aggr Prepare summarized and aggregated dataframe
prep_table Prepare a data table for displaying
present_and_correct present_and_correct function
quietly_run Quietly run a function
sankey_plot Create a Sankey plot using ggplot and ggalluvial
single_module_ui UI function for single module dashboard
stacked_composition_bar_chart Stacked bar chart
tabTableOne tabTableOne function
tabTableTwo tabTableTwo function
taskItemTab taskItemTab function
transform_input Transform input
wrapped_chart Wrapped chart