Display Information About Nested Subsets of a Data Frame

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Documentation for package ‘vtree’ version 5.6.5

Help Pages

vtree-package vtree: a tool for calculating and drawing variable trees.
build.data.frame Build a data frame to display with vtree
crosstabToCases Convert a crosstabulation into a data frame of cases.
FakeData Fake clinical dataset
FakeRCT Fake Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) data
grVizToImageFile Export an htmlwidget object into an image file
grVizToPNG Export an htmlwidget object into a PNG file
renderVtree vtree widget
svtree Create a Shiny vtree, with svg-pan-zoom functionality.
the.matrix The Matrix trilogy characters
use_svgzoom Setup for interactive Vtree
VennTable Format an indicator-based pattern table
vtree Draw a variable tree
vtreeOutput vtree widget