vpr_save {vprr}R Documentation

Save VPR data as an as.oce object


Save VPR data as an as.oce object


vpr_save(data, metadata)



a VPR data frame


(optional) a named list of character values giving metadata values. If this argument is not provided user will be prompted for a few generic metadata requirements.


This function will pass a VPR data frame object to an oce object. Using an oce object as the default export format for VPR data allows for metadata and data to be kept in the same, space efficient file, and avoid redundancy in the data frame. The function check for data parameters that may actually be metadata parameters (rows which have the same value repeated for every observation). These parameters will automatically be copied into the metadata slot of the oce object. The function will also prompt for a variety of required metadata fields. Depending on specific research / archiving requirements, these metadata parameters could be updated by providing the argument metadata.

Default metadata parameters include 'deploymentType', 'waterDepth', 'serialNumber', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'castDate', 'castStartTime', 'castEndTime', 'processedBy', 'opticalSetting', 'imageVolume', 'comment'.


an oce CTD object with all VPR data as well as metadata


metadata <- c('deploymentType' = 'towyo', 'waterDepth' =
max(ctd_roi_merge$pressure), 'serialNumber' = NA, 'latitude' = 47,
'longitude' = -65, 'castDate' = '2019-08-11', 'castStartTime'= '00:00',
'castEndTime' = '01:00', 'processedBy' = 'E. Chisholm', 'opticalSetting' =
'S2', 'imageVolume' = 83663, 'comment' = 'test data')

oce_dat <- vpr_save(taxa_conc_n, metadata)
# save(oce_dat, file = vpr_save.RData') # save data

[Package vprr version 0.2.3 Index]