Voting Systems, Instant-Runoff Voting, Borda Method, Various Condorcet Methods

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Documentation for package ‘votesys’ version 0.1.1

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votesys-package Voting Systems, Instant-Runoff Voting, Borda Method, Various Condorcet Methods
approval_method Approval Method
as_complete Convert Incomplete ranking/rating matrix into full matrix
borda_method Borda Count Method
cdc_copeland Copeland Method
cdc_dodgson Dodgson Method
cdc_kemenyyoung Kemeny-Young Method
cdc_minmax Minmax Method
cdc_rankedpairs Ranked Pairs Method
cdc_schulze Schulze Method
cdc_simple Ordinary Condorcet Method
check_dup_wrong Check Ballots with Duplicated Values, Mistakes, or without Any Valid Entry
create_vote Create a vote Object that can be used in counting methods
dowdall_method Dowdall Method
irv_method Instant-Runoff Voting Method
list2ballot Repeat ith element of list x or row of matrix/data.frames for j times
plurality_method Plurality Method to Find Absolute or Relative Majority
star_rating User Preference Aggregation
votesys Voting Systems, Instant-Runoff Voting, Borda Method, Various Condorcet Methods