Vertical Profiles of Biological Signals in Weather Radar Data

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Documentation for package ‘vol2birdR’ version 1.0.2

Help Pages

get_install_urls List of installation files to download
install_mistnet Install 'MistNet' libraries
install_mistnet_from_file Install 'MistNet' libraries from files
install_mistnet_model Install 'MistNet' model file
mistnet_exists Checks if the 'LibTorch' and 'MistNet' libraries have been installed or not.
nexrad_station_file Retrieve or set the nexrad location file
rsl2odim Convert a NEXRAD polar volume file to an ODIM polar volume file
torch_install_path Returns the 'LibTorch' installation path.
vol2bird Calculate a vertical profile ('vp') from a polar volume ('pvol') file
vol2bird_config Create a 'vol2bird' configuration instance
vol2bird_version Return 'vol2bird' version