Voice Analytics for Social Scientists

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Documentation for package ‘voiceR’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

autoExtract Automatically analyze audio files
autoReport Generate a Summary Report
comparisonPlots Create boxplots for extracted audio features
createEmptyDF Create an Empty data.frame
getComponents Get Components Name and Positions
getConditions Get Conditions
getDimensions Get Dimensions
getIds Get IDs
MissDimPerId What IDs have missing dimensions?
normalityPlots Normality Plots
normalizeData Normalize audio data using Box-Cox transformation
preprocess Preprocess list of Audio objects
readAudio Read Audio Files
saveAudio Save Audio Files
tableANOVA Create a Table of ANOVA results
tableDunn Create a Table for the results of a Dunn's test
tableKruskal Create a table for Kruskal-Wallis test results
tableNormality Create a table for Shapiro Wilk results
tableSchreirer Create a table for the Scheirer-Ray-Hare test results
tableSimpleMainEffects Create a table for simple main effects analysis
tableSummary Create a summary table
tableTukey Create a table for Tukey HSD test results
testAudioData voiceR test Audio Data
testAudioList voiceR test Audio List
voiceRApp Start voiceR Shiny App