autoExtract | Automatically analyze audio files |
autoReport | Generate a Summary Report |
comparisonPlots | Create boxplots for extracted audio features |
createEmptyDF | Create an Empty data.frame |
getComponents | Get Components Name and Positions |
getConditions | Get Conditions |
getDimensions | Get Dimensions |
getIds | Get IDs |
MissDimPerId | What IDs have missing dimensions? |
normalityPlots | Normality Plots |
normalizeData | Normalize audio data using Box-Cox transformation |
preprocess | Preprocess list of Audio objects |
readAudio | Read Audio Files |
saveAudio | Save Audio Files |
tableANOVA | Create a Table of ANOVA results |
tableDunn | Create a Table for the results of a Dunn's test |
tableKruskal | Create a table for Kruskal-Wallis test results |
tableNormality | Create a table for Shapiro Wilk results |
tableSchreirer | Create a table for the Scheirer-Ray-Hare test results |
tableSimpleMainEffects | Create a table for simple main effects analysis |
tableSummary | Create a summary table |
tableTukey | Create a table for Tukey HSD test results |
testAudioData | voiceR test Audio Data |
testAudioList | voiceR test Audio List |
voiceRApp | Start voiceR Shiny App |