vocaldia-package |
vocaldia: Create and Manipulate Vocalisation Diagrams |
anonymise |
anonymise: anonymise a vocalisation diagram |
anonymise.default |
anonymise: anonymise a vocalisation diagram |
anonymise.vocaldia |
anonymise: anonymise a vocalisation diagram |
appendSpeechRate |
appendSpeechRate: append pre-generated speech rate data to given dataframe t |
atddia |
A sample Medical Team Meeting dialogue encoded as a vocaldia |
getEntropy |
getEntropy: safely return the Shannon entropy of a distribution. |
getIDs |
getIDs get speaker role IDs (PAR, INV) and info from CHA content |
getPauseType |
getPauseType: name pause type between two vocalisation events. |
getPID |
getIDs get study-wide unique patient IDs from CHA content |
getPofAgivenB |
getPofAgivenB: transtion probability. |
getSampledVocalCountMatrix |
getSampledVocalCountMatrix: generate vocalisation diagrams |
getSampledVocalMatrix |
getSampledVocalCountMatrix: generate vocalisation diagrams |
getSilences |
getSilences read silences file |
getSyllablesAndSilences |
getSyllablesAndSilences: process Praat's grid for syllable nuclei |
getTranscript |
getTranscript: get transcription lines from .cha content |
getTurnTakingMatrix |
getSampledVocalCountMatrix: generate vocalisation diagrams |
getTurnTakingProbMatrix |
getTurnTakingProbMatrix: create a vocaldia from a data.frame. |
getTurnType |
getTurnType: return type of turn |
identifyGrpVocalisations |
identifyGrpVocalisations: replace appropriate vocalisation types |
identifyPauses |
identifyPauses: label pauses according to type. |
identifyVocalisations |
identifyVocalisations: replace appropriate vocalisation types |
igraph.vocaldia |
igraph.vocaldia: Create an igraph vocalisation diagram |
makeSessionDataSet |
makeSessionDataSet: create a data frame for a session (e.g. cookie scene description) based on .cha transcription files |
makeVocalStatsDataset |
makeVocalStatsDataset: create a dataset of vocalisation statistics (1 row per patient) |
matrixExp |
matrixExp: raise matrix to exp. |
namePauses |
namePauses: name pause types. |
plot.matrixseries |
plotConvergence: plots Markov diagram convergence. |
plot.vocaldia |
plot.vocaldia |
printARFFfile |
printARFFfile: Create arff files by creating and flattening vocaldias |
read.cha |
read.cha read CHA transcription file (format used by DementiaBank) |
startmatrix |
startmatrix: return the first matrix of a converging series. |
startmatrix.default |
startmatrix: return the first matrix of a converging series. |
startmatrix.matrixseries |
startmatrix: return the first matrix of a converging series. |
staticMatrix |
staticMatrix Iterate until transition probabilities converge (or give up). |
toDotNotation |
toDotNotation: conver vocaldia to graphviz dot notation |
vocaldia |
vocaldia: Create and Manipulate Vocalisation Diagrams |
vocmatrix |
A sample vocalisation matrix |
write.vocaldia |
write.vocaldia |