vmr-package |
Virtual Machines for R |
getProviderOptions |
List provider options |
print.vmr |
Print *vmr* object information |
summary.vmr |
Summary *vmr* object information |
virtualboxGitlabRunner |
Configure the guest VM to be use as a Gitlab-Runner |
virtualboxOptions |
List 'VirtualBox' options available |
vmr |
Virtual Machines for R |
vmrBoxDownload |
Download a Box |
vmrConfigSSH |
Configure ssh |
vmrConnect |
Open a ssh connection to guest machine |
vmrCreate |
Create a *vmr* environment class |
vmrDestroy |
Remove all resources created in a *vmr* environment |
vmrDisconnect |
Disconnect ssh connection to guest machine |
vmrExec |
Execute R methods into guest machine |
vmrInfo |
Get guest machine information |
vmrInitEnv |
Initialize the *vmr* environment |
vmrInstallPackages |
Install R packages into guest machine |
vmrIsRunning |
Is *vmr* environment running |
vmrList |
List available boxes from VagrantCloud |
vmrListBox |
List all available version of a box |
vmrListSnapshot |
List snapshot of the guest machine |
vmrLoad |
Load a *vmr* environment containing a Vagrant file |
vmrLocalBoxList |
List downloaded boxes |
vmrLocalBoxPrune |
Remove old installed boxes |
vmrLocalBoxRemove |
Remove a box from localhost |
vmrLocalBoxUpdate |
Update local box version |
vmrMountDir |
Mount a host directory to guest |
vmrPackageBuild |
Build a package in the guest machine |
vmrPackageCheck |
Perform a package check on guest |
vmrPackageTest |
Test a package into a guest machine |
vmrProvision |
Provision a *vmr* environment |
vmrRemoveSnapshot |
remove a snapshot of the guest machine |
vmrRestoreSnapshot |
Restore a snapshot of the guest machine |
vmrResume |
Resume a stopped guest machine |
vmrSend |
Send files and/or directories to guest machine |
vmrSetVerbose |
Set verbose level |
vmrStart |
Start a *vmr* environment |
vmrStatus |
Get the state of the guest machine |
vmrStop |
Stop a *vmr* environement |
vmrSuspend |
Save state and stop guest machine |
vmrTakeSnapshot |
Take a snapshot of the guest machine |
vmrUpdateEnvVersion |
Update a *vmr* environment. |
vmrUpdatePackages |
Update R packages installed |
Virtual Machines for R |