identify_shifts {vivainsights}R Documentation

Identify shifts based on outlook time settings for work day start and end time


This function uses outlook calendar settings for start and end time of work day to identify work shifts. The relevant variables are WorkingStartTimeSetInOutlook and WorkingEndTimeSetInOutlook.


identify_shifts(data, return = "plot")



A data frame containing data from the Hourly Collaboration query.


String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings:

  • "plot"

  • "table"

  • "data"

See Value for more information.


A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the return argument:

See Also

Other Data Validation: check_query(), extract_hr(), flag_ch_ratio(), flag_em_ratio(), flag_extreme(), flag_outlooktime(), hr_trend(), hrvar_count(), hrvar_count_all(), hrvar_trend(), identify_churn(), identify_holidayweeks(), identify_inactiveweeks(), identify_nkw(), identify_outlier(), identify_privacythreshold(), identify_tenure(), track_HR_change(), validation_report()


# Demo with `pq_data` example where Outlook Start and End times are imputed
spq_df <- pq_data

spq_df$WorkingStartTimeSetInOutlook <- "6:30"

spq_df$WorkingEndTimeSetInOutlook <- "23:30"

# Return plot
spq_df %>% identify_shifts()

# Return summary table
spq_df %>% identify_shifts(return = "table")

[Package vivainsights version 0.5.3 Index]