check_query {vivainsights}R Documentation

Check a query to ensure that it is suitable for analysis


Prints diagnostic data about the data query to the R console, with information such as date range, number of employees, HR attributes identified, etc.


check_query(data, return = "message", validation = FALSE)



A person-level query in the form of a data frame. This includes:

  • Standard Person Query

  • Ways of Working Assessment Query

  • Hourly Collaboration Query

All person-level query have a PersonId column and a MetricDate column.


String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings:

  • "message" (default)

  • "text"

See Value for more information.


Logical value to specify whether to show summarized version. Defaults to FALSE. To hide checks on variable names, set validation to TRUE.


This can be used with any person-level query, such as the standard person query, Ways of Working assessment query, and the hourly collaboration query. When run, this prints diagnostic data to the R console.


A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the return argument:

See Also

Other Data Validation: extract_hr(), flag_ch_ratio(), flag_em_ratio(), flag_extreme(), flag_outlooktime(), hr_trend(), hrvar_count(), hrvar_count_all(), hrvar_trend(), identify_churn(), identify_holidayweeks(), identify_inactiveweeks(), identify_nkw(), identify_outlier(), identify_privacythreshold(), identify_shifts(), identify_tenure(), track_HR_change(), validation_report()



[Package vivainsights version 0.5.3 Index]