visvow {visvow}R Documentation

Visible Vowels


Visible Vowels is an app that visualizes vowel variation in f0, F1, F2, F3 and duration.

A vowel is a speech sound produced without audible impediment to the airflow in the mouth and/or throat. Each vowel has a particular pitch (except when whispered), quality (timbre) and duration. f0 is the fundamental frequency of the periodic waveform and determines the perceived pitch. The quality is determined by the formants. Formants are resonance frequencies that define the spectral shape of vowels (and vowel-like sounds). The formant with the lowest frequency is called F1, the second-lowest F2, and the third F3. F1 is correlated with tongue height. The closer the tongue approaches the palate, the lower F1. F2 correlates with tongue retraction and lip protrusion. The more the tongue is positioned towards the front of the mouth, and the wider the lips are spread, the higher F2. F3 correlates with the tongue-blade position. The closer the blade is to the lips, the higher is F3. The acoustic vowel duration primarily corresponds with the perceived duration of a vowel sound. See Johnson (2012).




visvow() opens Visible Vowels in your default web browser.


Johnson K (2012). Acoustic and Auditory Phonetics, 3rd edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.

See Also

The Help tab in the app provides more information about the format of the input file. Details about scale conversion and speaker normalization procedures and some specific metrics are found in the vignette.

[Package visvow version 1.3.11 Index]