ensemble {vistla}R Documentation

Construct the value for the ensemble argument


Vistla can be run in the ensemble mode, in which tree is built multiple times, usually on a slightly modified input data. This mode can be triggered by passing a value to the ensemble argument of the vistla method. This function can be used to construct the proper value for this argument.


ensemble(n = 30, resample = TRUE, prune = 0)

## S3 method for class 'vistla_ensemble_control'
print(x, ...)



number of replicatons.


if TRUE, a modified bootstrap is used; that is, algorithm draws as many objects as are in the original data, but with replacement, hence only about 63.2 If this argument is given a number, it is interpreted to randomly sample exacly this fraction of objects, without replacement. Fraction f of n objects is interpreted as round(n*f), but not less than 3 and no more than n-1. If FALSE, no resampling is done (vistla trees are just built using different random seeds.


Minimal number of iterations in which certain branch must appear not be prunned during ensemble consolidation. Zero (default) means no prunning. Note that iomin and targets arguments of the base algorithm can also be used to control the size of the resulting consensus tree.


ensemble control value to print.




A vistla_ensemble_control object which can be passed to the vistla function.

[Package vistla version 2.0.2 Index]