vector2String {viscomplexr}R Documentation

Convert a vector into a comma-separated string


A simple utility function that transforms any vector into a single character string, where the former vector elements are separated by commas. This is can be useful, in some circumstances, for feeding a series of constant numeric values to phasePortrait (see examples). For most applications we recommend, however, to use phasePortrait's parameter moreArgs instead.





The (usually real or complex valued) vector to be converted.


A string, where the former vector elements are separated by commas, enclosed between "c(" and ")".

See Also

Other helpers: xlimFromYlim(), ylimFromXlim()


# Make a vector of 77 complex random numbers inside the unit circle
n <- 77
a <- complex(n, modulus = runif(n), argument = 2*pi*runif(n))
a <- vector2String(a)

# Use this for portraying a Blaschke product

# x11(width = 9.45, height = 6.30) # Screen device commented out
                                   # due to CRAN test requirements.
                                   # Use it when trying this example
op <- par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), bg = "black")
n <- 77
a <- complex(n, modulus = runif(n), argument = 2*pi*runif(n))
a <- vector2String(a)
FUN <- paste("vapply(z, function(z, a){
                    return(prod(abs(a)/a * (a-z)/(1-Conj(a)*z)))
                   }, a =", a,
             ", FUN.VALUE = complex(1))", sep = "")
phasePortrait(FUN, pType = "p", axes = FALSE,
              xlim = c(-3, 3), ylim = c(-2.0, 2.0),
              nCores = 2) # Max. two cores allowed on CRAN
                          # not a limit for your own use

[Package viscomplexr version 1.1.1 Index]