specc {viscomp}R Documentation

Specific Component Combination violin plots


The function based on the network meta-analysis (NMA) estimates produces violin plots from interventions that include the component combinations of interest.


  sep = "+",
  combination = NULL,
  components_number = FALSE,
  groups = NULL,
  random = TRUE,
  z_value = FALSE,
  prop_size = TRUE,
  fill_violin = "lightblue",
  color_violin = "lightblue",
  adj_violin = 1,
  width_violin = 1,
  boxplot = TRUE,
  width_boxplot = 0.5,
  errorbar_type = 5,
  dots = TRUE,
  jitter_shape = 16,
  jitter_position = 0.01,
  values = TRUE



An object of class netmeta.


A single character that defines the separator between interventions components.


A character vector that specifies the component combinations of interest.


logical. If TRUE the violins are created based on the number of components included in the interventions.


A character vector that contains the clusters of the number of components. Elements of the vector must be integer numbers (e.g. 5 or "5"), or range values (e.g. "3-4" ), or in the "xx+" format (e.g "5+").


logical. If TRUE the random-effects NMA model is used instead of the fixed-effect NMA model.


logical. If TRUE z-values are used instead of interventions effects.


logical. If TRUE in the case where z_value == FALSE, the size of the dots is proportional to the precision of the estimates.


fill color of the violin. See geom_violin for more details.


color of the violin. See geom_violin for more details.


adjustment of the violin. See geom_violin for more details.


width of the violin. See geom_violin for more details.


logical. If TRUE boxplots are plotted.


width of the boxplot. See geom_boxplot for more details.


boxplot's line type. See stat_boxplot for more details.


logical. If TRUE data points are plotted.


jitter shape. See geom_jitter for more details.


jitter position. See geom_jitter for more details.


logical. If TRUE median value of each violin is printed.


By default the function creates a violin for each component of the network (combination = NULL). Each violin visualizes the distribution of the effect estimates, obtained from the interventions that include the corresponding component. Combinations of interest are specified from the argument combination. For example, if combination = c("A", "A + B"), two violin plots are produced. The first one is based on the interventions that contain the component "A", and the second one, based on the interventions that contain both components A and B.

By setting the argument components_number = TRUE, the behavior of intervention's effect as the number of components increased is explored, by producing violins based on the number of components included in the interventions. If the number of components included in a intervention ranges between 1 and 3, then 3 violins will be produced in total. The violins will be based on the interventions that include one component, two components, and three components respectively. The number of components could be also categorized in groups by the argument groups. For example if components_number = TRUE and groups = c("1-3", 4, "5+"), 3 violins will be created. One for the interventions that contain less than 3 components, one for the interventions that contain 4 components and one for those that contain more than 5 components.

The function by default uses the NMA relative effects, but it could be adjusted to use intervention's z-scores by setting z_value = TRUE. In the case where the NMA relative effects, the size of dots reflects the precision of the estimates. Larger dots indicates more precise NMA estimates.


An object of class ggplot.


In the case of dichotomous outcomes, the log-scale is used in axis y. Also, the function can be applied only in network meta-analysis models that contain multi-component interventions.


specc(model = nmaMACE, combination = c("B", "C", "B + C"))

[Package viscomp version 1.0.0 Index]