Vegetation Imaging Spectroscopy Analyzer

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Documentation for package ‘visa’ version 0.1.0

Help Pages

as.specdf Create a SpectraDataFrame
as.spectra Create a Spectra or SpectraDatabase Create a SpectraDataFrame
as.spectra.database Create a Spectra or SpectraDatabase
as.spectra.matrix Class 'SpectraMatrix'
cm.nsr Selecting the best 2-Band combinations for Normalized Simple Ratio (NSR) Selecting the best 2-Band combinations for Simple Ratio (SR)
Data-SpectraDatabase,Data-Spectra Example data in the Spectra/SpectraDatabase format.
Data-SpectraDataFrame Example data in the SpectraDataFrame format
ggplot Create a new ggplot plot with a geom_line() layer from spectra data
ggplot-method Plot functions Create a new ggplot plot with a geom_line() layer from spectra data
ggplot.lmfit Plot functions
ggplot.spectra Create a new ggplot plot with a geom_line() layer from spectra data
lm.nsr Calculate Simple Ratio (SR). Calculate Simple Ratio (SR).
ndvi2 Calculate and plot a 2-band NDVI.
NSpec.DB Example data in the Spectra/SpectraDatabase format.
NSpec.DF Example data in the SpectraDataFrame format
nsr Calculate Simple Ratio (SR).
Spectra Create a Spectra or SpectraDatabase
spectra Access the spectra data of 'SpectraDatabase'.
Spectra,Spectra-class Create a Spectra or SpectraDatabase
Spectra-class Create a Spectra or SpectraDatabase
spectra-method Access the spectra data of 'SpectraDatabase'.
SpectraDatabase-class Class 'SpectraDatabase'
SpectraDatabase-class,spectra.database Class 'SpectraDatabase'
SpectraDataFrame, Class 'SpectraDataFrame'
SpectraDataFrame-class Class 'SpectraDataFrame'
SpectraMatrix-class Class 'SpectraMatrix'
SpectraMaxtrix-class,spectra.maxtrix Class 'SpectraMatrix'
sr Calculate Simple Ratio (SR).
waveband Access the wavelength of Spectra
wavelength Access the wavelength of Spectra
wavelength-method Access the wavelength of Spectra