visTree {visTree} | R Documentation |
Visualization of subgroups for decision trees
This visualization characterizes subgroups defined by a decision tree structure and identifies the range of covariate values associated with outcome values in each subgroup.
visTree(cond.tree, rng = NULL, interval = FALSE, color.type = 1,
alpha = 0.5, add.h.axis = TRUE, add.p.axis = TRUE,
text.round = 1, text.main = 1.5, = 1.5,
text.title = 1.5, text.label = 1.5, text.axis = 1.5,
text.percentile = 0.7, density.line = TRUE)
cond.tree |
Decision tree generated as a party object. |
rng |
Restrict plotting to a particular set of nodes. Default value is set as NULL. |
interval |
logical. Continuous outcome (interval = FALSE) and Categorical outcome (interval = TRUE). |
color.type |
Color palettes (rainbow_hcl = 1; heat_hcl = 2; terrain_hcl = 3; sequential_hcl = 4 ; diverge_hcl = 5) |
alpha |
Transparency for horizontal colored bars in each subplot. Values between 0 to 1. |
add.h.axis |
logical. Add axis for the outcome distribution (add.h.axis = TRUE), remove axis for the outcome (add.h.axis = FALSE). |
add.p.axis |
logical. Add axis for the percentiles (add.p.axis = TRUE) computed over covariate values, remove axis for the percentiles (add.p.axis = FALSE). |
text.round |
Round the threshold displayed on the horizontal bar |
text.main |
Change the size of the main titles | |
Change the size of the text in the horizontal bar |
text.title |
Change the size of the text in the title |
text.label |
Change the size of the axis annotation |
text.axis |
Change the size of the text of axis labels |
text.percentile |
Change the size of the percentile title |
density.line |
logical. Draw a density line. (density.line = TRUE). |
Ashwini Venkatasubramaniam and Julian Wolfson
newblsdata<-blsdata[,c(7,21, 22,23, 24, 25, 26)]
## Continuous response
ptree1<-partykit::ctree(kcal24h0~., data = newblsdata)
visTree(ptree1, text.axis = 1.3, text.label = 1.2, = 1.2, alpha = 0.5)
## Repeated covariates in the splits of the decision tree
ptree2<-partykit::ctree(kcal24h0~skcal+rrvfood+resteating+age, data = blsdata)
visTree(ptree2, text.axis = 1.3, text.label = 1.2, = 1.2, alpha = 0.5)
## Categorical response
blsdataedit$bin<-cut(blsdata$kcal24h0, unique(quantile(blsdata$kcal24h0)),
include.lowest = TRUE, dig.lab = 4)
ptree3<-partykit::ctree(kcal24h0~hunger+rrvfood+resteating+liking, data = blsdataedit)
visTree(ptree3, interval = TRUE, color.type = 1, alpha = 0.6,
text.percentile = 1.2, = 1.8)
## Other decision trees (e.g., rpart)
ptree4<-rpart::rpart(kcal24h0~wanting+liking+rrvfood, data = newblsdata,
control = rpart::rpart.control(cp = 0.029))
visTree(ptree4, = 1.8, text.label = 1.4, text.round = 1,
density.line = TRUE, text.percentile = 1.3)
## Change the color scheme and transparency of the horizontal bars
ptree1<-partykit::ctree(kcal24h0~., data = newblsdata)
visTree(ptree1, text.axis = 1.3, text.label = 1.2, = 1.2, alpha = 0.65,
color.type = 3)
## Remove the axes corresponding to the percentiles and the response values.
ptree1<-partykit::ctree(kcal24h0~., data = newblsdata)
visTree(ptree1, text.axis = 1.3, text.label = 1.2, = 1.2, alpha = 0.65,
color.type = 3, add.p.axis = FALSE, add.h.axis = FALSE)
# Remove the density line over the histograms
ptree1<-partykit::ctree(kcal24h0~., data = newblsdata)
visTree(ptree1, text.axis = 1.3, text.label = 1.2, = 1.2, alpha = 0.65,
color.type = 3, density.line = FALSE)