Clinical Graphs and Tables Adhering to Graphical Principles

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Documentation for package ‘visR’ version 0.4.1

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add_annotation Add annotations to a visR object
add_CI Add confidence interval (CI) to visR object
add_CI.ggsurvfit Add confidence interval (CI) to visR object
add_CI.ggtidycuminc Add confidence interval (CI) to visR object
add_CNSR Add censoring symbols to a visR object
add_CNSR.ggsurvfit Add censoring symbols to a visR object
add_CNSR.ggtidycuminc Add censoring symbols to a visR object
add_highlight Highlight a specific strata
add_highlight.ggsurvfit Highlight a specific strata
add_quantiles Add quantile indicators to visR plot
add_quantiles.ggsurvfit Add quantile indicators to visR plot
add_risktable Add risk tables to visR plots through an S3 method
add_risktable.ggsurvfit Add risk tables to visR plots through an S3 method
add_risktable.ggtidycuminc Add risk tables to visR plots through an S3 method
adtte adtte - CDISC ADaM compliant time to event data set
align_plots Align multiple ggplot graphs, taking into account the legend
apply_attrition Apply list of inclusion/exclusion criteria to a patient-level dataframe
apply_theme Applies a theme to a ggplot object.
brca_cohort Cancer survival data
define_theme Provides a simple wrapper for themes
estimate_cuminc Competing Events Cumulative Incidence
estimate_KM Wrapper for Kaplan-Meier Time-to-Event analysis
get_attrition Generate cohort attrition table
get_COX_HR Summarize Hazard Ratio from a survival object using S3 method
get_COX_HR.survfit Summarize Hazard Ratio from a survival object using S3 method
get_pvalue Summarize the test for equality across strata from a survival object using S3 method
get_quantile Wrapper around quantile methods
get_quantile.survfit Wrapper around quantile methods
get_risktable Obtain risk tables for tables and plots
get_risktable.survfit Obtain risk tables for tables and plots
get_risktable.tidycuminc Obtain risk tables for tables and plots
get_summary Summarize the descriptive statistics across strata from a survival object using S3 method
get_summary.survfit Summarize the descriptive statistics across strata from a survival object using S3 method
get_tableone Calculate summary statistics
get_tableone.default Calculate summary statistics
legendopts Translates options for legend into a list that can be passed to ggplot2
render Render a data.frame, risktable, or tableone object as a table
StatStepribbon Step ribbon statistic
stat_stepribbon Step ribbon statistic
summarize_long Calculate summary statistics from a vector
summarize_long.default Calculate summary statistics from a vector
summarize_long.factor Calculate summary statistics from a vector
summarize_long.integer Calculate summary statistics from a vector
summarize_long.numeric Calculate summary statistics from a vector
summarize_short Create abbreviated variable summary for table1
summarize_short.default Create abbreviated variable summary for table1
summarize_short.factor Create abbreviated variable summary for table1
summarize_short.integer Create abbreviated variable summary for table1
summarize_short.numeric Create abbreviated variable summary for table1
Surv_CNSR Create a Survival Object from CDISC Data
tableone Display a summary Table (i.e. table one)
the_lhs Find the "lhs" in the pipeline
tidyme Extended tidy cleaning of selected objects using S3 method
tidyme.default Extended tidy cleaning of selected objects using S3 method
tidyme.survfit Extended tidy cleaning of selected objects using S3 method
visr Plot a supported S3 object
visr.attrition Plot a supported S3 object
visr.default Plot a supported S3 object
visr.survfit Plot a supported S3 object
visr.tidycuminc Plot a supported S3 object