additionalColumns |
Identify additional columns in an omop result object |
addSettings |
Add settings columns to a summaries_result object. |
filterSettings |
Filter a summarised_result |
formatEstimateName |
Formats estimate_name and estimate_value column |
formatEstimateValue |
Formats the estimate_value column |
formatHeader |
Create a header for gt and flextable objects. |
fxTable |
Creates a flextable object from a dataframe |
groupColumns |
Identify group columns in an omop result object |
gtTable |
Creates a gt object from a dataframe |
mockSummarisedResult |
A summarised_result object filled with mock data |
optionsVisOmopTable |
Additional arguments for the function visOmopTable |
pivotEstimates |
Set estimates as columns |
splitAdditional |
Split additional_name and additional_level columns |
splitAll |
Split group, strata and additional at once. |
splitGroup |
Split group_name and group_level columns |
splitNameLevel |
Split name and level columns into the columns |
splitStrata |
Split strata_name and strata_level columns |
strataColumns |
Identify strata columns in an omop result object |
tidy.summarised_result |
Get a tidy visualization of a summarised_result object |
uniteAdditional |
Unite one or more columns in additional_name-additional_level format |
uniteGroup |
Unite one or more columns in group_name-group_level format |
uniteNameLevel |
Unite one or more columns in name-level format |
uniteStrata |
Unite one or more columns in strata_name-strata_level format |
visOmopTable |
Format a summarised_result object into a gt, flextable or tibble object |