visIgraphLayout {visNetwork}R Documentation

Use a igraph layout for compute coordinates & fast rendering


Use a igraph layout for compute coordinates and fast rendering. This function affect x and y coordinates to nodes data.frame using a igraph layout, and then render network faster with no stabilization. We set some options as : visNodes(physics = FALSE) & visEdges(smooth = FALSE) & visPhysics(stabilization= FALSE), but you can overwrite them using arguments or by add another call after visIgraphLayout


  layout = "layout_nicely",
  physics = FALSE,
  smooth = FALSE,
  type = "square",
  randomSeed = NULL,
  layoutMatrix = NULL,



: a visNetwork object


: Character Name of igraph layout function to use. Default to "layout_nicely"


: Boolean. Default to FALSE. Enabled physics on nodes ?


: Boolean. Default to FALSE. Use smooth edges ?


: Character Type of scale from igrah to vis.js. "square" (default) render in a square limit by height. "full" use width and height to scale in a rectangle.


: Number. The nodes are randomly positioned initially. This means that the settled result is different every time. If you provide a random seed manually, the layout will be the same every time.


: in case of layout = 'layout.norm'. the 'layout' argument (A matrix with two or three columns, the layout to normalize)


: Adding arguments to layout function


See online documentation

See Also

visNodes for nodes options, visEdges for edges options, visGroups for groups options, visLegend for adding legend, visOptions for custom option, visLayout & visHierarchicalLayout for layout, visPhysics for control physics, visInteraction for interaction, visNetworkProxy & visFocus & visFit for animation within shiny, visDocumentation, visEvents, visConfigure ...


## Not run: 
nnodes <- 200
nnedges <- 400

nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:nnodes)
edges <- data.frame(from = sample(1:nnodes, nnedges, replace = T), 
                   to = sample(1:nnodes, nnedges, replace = T))

# with default layout
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% 

# use full space
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% 
 visIgraphLayout(type = "full")

# in circle ?
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% 
 visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_in_circle") %>%
 visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, hover = T), 
   nodesIdSelection = T)
# keep physics with smooth curves ?
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% 
 visIgraphLayout(physics = TRUE, smooth = TRUE)

# fix randomSeed to keep position
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% 
 visIgraphLayout(randomSeed = 123)
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% 
 visIgraphLayout(randomSeed = 123)

# layout_with_sugiyama
nodes <- data.frame(id = 1:5)
edges <- data.frame(from = c(1, 2, 2, 4), to = c(2, 3, 4, 5))

visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
 visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_sugiyama", layers = c(1, 2, 3, 3, 4))

visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
 visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_sugiyama")

## End(Not run)

[Package visNetwork version 2.1.2 Index]