vi_shap {vip} | R Documentation |
SHAP-based variable importance
Compute SHAP-based VI scores for the predictors in a model. See details below.
vi_shap(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
vi_shap(object, feature_names = NULL, train = NULL, ...)
object |
A fitted model object (e.g., a randomForest object). |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed on to |
feature_names |
Character string giving the names of the predictor
variables (i.e., features) of interest. If |
train |
A matrix-like R object (e.g., a data frame or matrix)
containing the training data. If |
This approach to computing VI scores is based on the mean absolute value of the SHAP values for each feature; see, for example, and the references therein.
Strumbelj, E., and Kononenko, I. Explaining prediction models and individual predictions with feature contributions. Knowledge and information systems 41.3 (2014): 647-665.
A tidy data frame (i.e., a tibble object) with two columns:
- the corresponding feature name; -
- the associated importance, computed as the mean absolute Shapley value.
## Not run:
library(ggplot2) # for theme_light() function
# Simulate training data
trn <- gen_friedman(500, sigma = 1, seed = 101) # ?vip::gen_friedman
# Feature matrix
X <- data.matrix(subset(trn, select = -y)) # matrix of feature values
# Fit an XGBoost model; hyperparameters were tuned using 5-fold CV
set.seed(859) # for reproducibility
bst <- xgboost(X, label = trn$y, nrounds = 338, max_depth = 3, eta = 0.1,
verbose = 0)
# Construct VIP using "exact" SHAP values from XGBoost's internal Tree SHAP
# functionality
vip(bst, method = "shap", train = X, exact = TRUE, include_type = TRUE,
geom = "point", horizontal = FALSE,
aesthetics = list(color = "forestgreen", shape = 17, size = 5)) +
# Use Monte-Carlo approach, which works for any model; requires prediction
# wrapper
pfun_prob <- function(object, newdata) { # prediction wrapper
# For Shapley explanations, this should ALWAYS return a numeric vector
predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")[, "yes"]
# Compute Shapley-based VI scores
set.seed(853) # for reproducibility
vi_shap(rfo, train = subset(t1, select = -survived), pred_wrapper = pfun_prob,
nsim = 30)
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
## Variable Importance
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 pclass 0.104
## 2 age 0.0649
## 3 sex 0.272
## 4 sibsp 0.0260
## 5 parch 0.0291
## End(Not run)