Virus-Host Codon Usage Co-Adaptation Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘vhcub’ version 1.0.0

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vhcub-package vhcub: A package to analysis the co-adaptation of codon usage between a virus and its host.
CAI.values Codon Adaptation Index (CAI)
dinuc.base Statistical dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation (base model).
dinuc.codon Statistical dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation (codon model).
dinuc.syncodon Statistical dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation (syncodon model).
ENc.GC3plot ENc-GC3 scatterplot.
ENc.values Effective Number of Codons (ENc). Read fasta formate and convert it to data frame
GC.content GC content
PR2.plot Parity rule 2 (PR2) plot
RCDI.values Relative Codon Deoptimization Index (RCDI)
RSCU.values Relative Synonymous Codon Usage (RSCU)
SCUO.values Synonymous codon usage eorderliness (SCUO)
SiD.value Similarity Index (SiD)
vhcub vhcub: A package to analysis the co-adaptation of codon usage between a virus and its host.