plotComponentMatrix {vfprogression} | R Documentation |
General plotting function for multiple 24-2 or 30-2 visual field measurements together:
plots the following 24-2 or 30-2 visual field measurement: sensitivity, TD, TD prob, PD, and PD prob:
plotComponentMatrix(componentmatrix, ncomp = ncol(componentmatrix),
plot.ncols = 5, plot.nrows = NULL,
plot.annot.topleft.function = toString,
plot.annot.bottomleft.function = function(i) NULL,
globaltitle = sprintf("k = %i", ncol(componentmatrix)),
globalannotright = NULL,
zmin = -ceiling(max(abs(c(min(componentmatrix),
max(componentmatrix))))), zmax = -zmin,
color.pal = colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"), space =
"Lab")(256), td.probabilities = FALSE,
show.colorbar = !td.probabilities, titleheight = 0.2, ...)
componentmatrix |
a matrix or data frame, column represents different eyes and rows are the VF measurements of the same type (sensitivity, TD, TD prob, PD, or PD prob). |
ncomp |
a numeric variable defines the number of components to be plotted (default: all). |
plot.ncols |
a numeric variable defines the number of columns to be plotted (default: 5). |
plot.nrows |
a numeric variable defines the number of rows to be plotted (default: NULL (automatically calculated)). |
plot.annot.topleft.function |
a function(i) that is given to any subplot i to create its top left annotation. |
plot.annot.bottomleft.function |
a function(i) that is given to any subplot i to create its bottom left annotation (default: returns NULL). |
globaltitle |
a string for global title (default: k = ncomp; set to NULL to suppress global title). |
globalannotright |
a string annotation to the right of the global title (default: NULL). |
zmin |
minimum value of the color scale (default: auto defined). |
zmax |
maximum value of the color scale (default: auto defined). |
color.pal |
an object that defines color scale theme (default: colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"), space = "Lab")(256)). |
td.probabilities |
a logic variable indicates whether to plot TD probability symbols instead of TD colors (default: FALSE). |
show.colorbar |
a logic variable indicates whether to show a global colorbar (default: !td.probabilities). |
titleheight |
a numeric variable defines the height of the title relative to height of row one. |
... |
other variables to be added. |
heatmap for sensitivity, TD and PD input. Value plot for TD prob and PD prob input.
componentmatrix = t(vfseries[1:10, grepl('^s[0-9]+', colnames(vfseries))])
globaltitle = paste("Sensitivities, k = ", ncol(componentmatrix), sep = '')
plotComponentMatrix(componentmatrix, globaltitle = globaltitle)
componentmatrix = t(vfseries[1:10, grepl('^td[0-9]+', colnames(vfseries))])
globaltitle = paste("TDs, k = ", ncol(componentmatrix), sep = '')
plotComponentMatrix(componentmatrix, globaltitle = globaltitle)
componentmatrix = t(vfseries[1:10, grepl('^pd[0-9]+', colnames(vfseries))])
globaltitle = paste("PDs, k = ", ncol(componentmatrix), sep = '')
plotComponentMatrix(componentmatrix, globaltitle = globaltitle)
componentmatrix = t(vfseries[1:10, grepl('^tdp[0-9]+', colnames(vfseries))])
globaltitle = paste("TD Probs, k = ", ncol(componentmatrix), sep = '')
plotComponentMatrix(componentmatrix, globaltitle = globaltitle, td.probabilities = TRUE)
componentmatrix = t(vfseries[1:10, grepl('^pdp[0-9]+', colnames(vfseries))])
globaltitle = paste("PD Probs, k = ", ncol(componentmatrix), sep = '')
plotComponentMatrix(componentmatrix, globaltitle = globaltitle, td.probabilities = TRUE)