compare {versus}R Documentation

Compare two data frames


compare() creates a representation of the differences between two tables, along with a shallow copy of the tables. This output is used as the comparison argument when exploring the differences further with other versus functions e.g. ⁠slice_*()⁠ and ⁠weave_*()⁠.


compare(table_a, table_b, by, allow_both_NA = TRUE, coerce = TRUE)



A data frame


A data frame


<tidy-select>. Selection of columns to use when matching rows between .data_a and .data_b. Both data frames must be unique on by.


Logical. If TRUE a missing value in both data frames is considered as equal


Logical. If FALSE and columns from the input tables have differing classes, the function throws an error.



A list of data frames having the following elements:


A data frame with one row per input table showing the number of rows and columns in each.


A data frame with one row per by column showing the class of the column in each of the input tables.


A data frame with one row per column common to table_a and table_b and columns "n_diffs" showing the number of values which are different between the two tables, "class_a"/"class_b" the class of the column in each table, and "value_diffs" a (nested) data frame showing the the values in each table which are unequal and the by columns


A data frame with one row per column which is in one input table but not the other and columns "table": which table the column appears in, "column": the name of the column, and "class": the class of the column.


A data frame which, for each row present in one input table but not the other, contains the column "table" showing which table the row appears in and the by columns for that row.

data.table inputs

If the input is a data.table, you may want compare() to make a deep copy instead of a shallow copy so that future changes to the table don't affect the comparison. To achieve this, you can set options(versus.copy_data_table = TRUE).


compare(example_df_a, example_df_b, by = car)

[Package versus version 0.3.0 Index]