Fossil Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘velociraptr’ version 1.1.0

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abundanceMatrix Create a community matrix of taxon abundances
ageRanges Find the age range for each taxon in a dataframe
cleanTaxonomy Clean taxonomic names
completeTurnovers Multiplicative Diversity Partitioning
constrainAges Constrain a dataset to only occurrences within a certain age-range
constrainAges,multiplyAges Constrain a dataset to only occurrences within a certain age-range
cullMatrix Cull rare taxa and depauperate samples
cullMatrix,errorMatrix,culltaxa,cullSamples,occurrencesFlag,diversityFlag,softCull,softTaxa,softSamples Cull rare taxa and depauperate samples
downloadPaleogeography Downloads paleogeographic maps
downloadPBDB Download Occurrences from the Paleobiology Database
downloadPlaces Download Shapefile of Places
downloadTime Download geologic timescale
fixedLatitude Download fixed-latitude equal-area grid
meanAlpha Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
multiplicativeBeta Multiplicative Diversity Partitioning
multiplicativeBeta,completeTurnovers,notEndemic Multiplicative Diversity Partitioning
multiplyAges Constrain a dataset to only occurrences within a certain age-range
notEndemic Multiplicative Diversity Partitioning
presenceMatrix Create a matrix of presences and absences
sampleBeta Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
taxonAlpha Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
taxonAlpha,meanAlpha,taxonBeta,sampleBeta,totalGamma Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
taxonBeta Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
totalBeta Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
totalGamma Additive Diversity Partitioning functions
trueWOF Download Shapefile of Places