inventory {vein}R Documentation

Inventory function.


inventory produces an structure of directories and scripts in order to run vein. It is required to know the vehicular composition of the fleet.


  vehcomp = c(PC = 1, LCV = 1, HGV = 1, BUS = 1, MC = 1),
  show.main = FALSE,
  scripts = TRUE,
  show.dir = FALSE,
  show.scripts = FALSE,
  clear = TRUE,
  rush.hour = FALSE,
  showWarnings = FALSE



Character, path to new main directory for running vein. NO BLANK SPACES


Vehicular composition of the fleet. It is required a named numerical vector with the names "PC", "LCV", "HGV", "BUS" and "MC". In the case that there are no vehicles for one category of the composition, the name should be included with the number zero, for example, PC = 0. The maximum number allowed is 99 per category.


Logical; Do you want to see the new main.R file?


Logical Do you want to generate or no R scripts?


Logical value for printing the created directories.


Logical value for printing the created scripts.


Logical value for removing recursively the directory and create another one.


Logical, to create a template for morning rush hour.


Logical, showWarnings?


Structure of directories and scripts for automating the compilation of vehicular emissions inventory. The structure can be used with another type of sources of emissions. The structure of the directories is: daily, ef, emi, est, images, network and veh. This structure is a suggestion and the user can use another. ' ef: it is for storing the emission factors data-frame, similar to data(fe2015) but including one column for each of the categories of the vehicular composition. For instance, if PC = 5, there should be 5 columns with emission factors in this file. If LCV = 5, another 5 columns should be present, and so on.

emi: Directory for saving the estimates. It is suggested to use .rds extension instead of .rda.

est: Directory with subdirectories matching the vehicular composition for storing the scripts named input.R.

images: Directory for saving images.

network: Directory for saving the road network with the required attributes. This file will include the vehicular flow per street to be used by age* functions.

veh: Directory for storing the distribution by age of use of each category of the vehicular composition. Those are data-frames with number of columns with the age distribution and number of rows as the number of streets. The class of these objects is "Vehicles". Future versions of vein will generate Vehicles objects with the explicit spatial component.

The name of the scripts and directories are based on the vehicular composition, however, there is included a file named main.R which is just an R script to estimate all the emissions. It is important to note that the user must add the emission factors for other pollutants. Also, this function creates the scripts input.R where the user must specify the inputs for the estimation of emissions of each category. Also, there is a file called traffic.R to generate objects of class "Vehicles". The user can rename these scripts.


## Not run: 
name = file.path(tempdir(), "YourCity")
inventory(name = name)

## End(Not run)

[Package vein version 1.1.3 Index]