Handling Vegetation Data Sets

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Documentation for package ‘vegtable’ version 0.1.8

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A B C D E H K L M N P R S T U V W misc

-- A --

add_releves Merge relevés from data frames into vegtable objects
add_releves-method Merge relevés from data frames into vegtable objects
add_releves<- Merge relevés from data frames into vegtable objects
add_releves<--method Merge relevés from data frames into vegtable objects
as Coerce objects to lists
as.list-method Coerce objects to lists
aspect_conv Conversion of aspect classes to azimuth
aspect_conv-data Conversion of aspect classes to azimuth

-- B --

braun_blanquet Conversion of Braun-Blanquet codes to cover percentage
braun_blanquet-data Conversion of Braun-Blanquet codes to cover percentage

-- C --

clean Clean orphaned records in vegtable object
clean-method Clean orphaned records in vegtable object
clean_once Clean orphaned records in vegtable object
coerce-method Coerce objects to lists
count_taxa Count taxa included in vegtable objects
count_taxa-method Count taxa included in vegtable objects
count_taxa<- Count taxa included in vegtable objects
count_taxa<--method Count taxa included in vegtable objects
coverconvert Cover conversion tables
coverconvert-class Cover conversion tables
cover_trans Convert cover scales to percent cover
cover_trans-method Convert cover scales to percent cover
cross2db Generating cross tables from database lists
crosstable Generating cross tables from database lists
crosstable-method Generating cross tables from database lists

-- D --

df2coverconvert Create coverconvert objects
df2coverconvert-method Create coverconvert objects
df2coverconvert.data.frame Create coverconvert objects
df2coverconvert.list Create coverconvert objects
df2vegtable Convert a data frame into a vegtable object.
df2vegtable-method Convert a data frame into a vegtable object.
dimnames Retrieve names of vegtable and coverconvert objects
dimnames-method Retrieve names of vegtable and coverconvert objects
dominance Calculation of statistics at plot level
dune_veg Dutch dune meadows as vegtable
dune_veg-data Dutch dune meadows as vegtable

-- E --

evenness Calculation of statistics at plot level
Extract Select or replace elements in objects

-- H --

header Retrieve or replace slot header in vegtable objects
header-method Retrieve or replace slot header in vegtable objects
header<- Retrieve or replace slot header in vegtable objects
header<--method Retrieve or replace slot header in vegtable objects

-- K --

Kenya_veg Vegetation-plots from Kenya
Kenya_veg-data Vegetation-plots from Kenya

-- L --

layers2samples Add information from slot 'layers' into slot 'samples'
layers2samples-method Add information from slot 'layers' into slot 'samples'

-- M --

make_cocktail Produce a Cocktail classification
make_cocktail-method Produce a Cocktail classification

-- N --

names Retrieve names of vegtable and coverconvert objects
names-method Retrieve names of vegtable and coverconvert objects
names<--method Retrieve names of vegtable and coverconvert objects
new_relation Insert a new variable as relation in vegtable object
new_relation-method Insert a new variable as relation in vegtable object
new_relation.vegtable Insert a new variable as relation in vegtable object
new_relation<- Insert a new variable as relation in vegtable object
new_relation<--method Insert a new variable as relation in vegtable object

-- P --

print-method Summary method for vegtable objects

-- R --

read_juice Exporting tables for Juice
relation2header Insert variables from relations into header
relation2header-method Insert variables from relations into header
relation2header.vegtable Insert variables from relations into header
richness Calculation of statistics at plot level

-- S --

set_formula Produce a Cocktail classification
set_formula-method Produce a Cocktail classification
set_group Produce a Cocktail classification
set_group-method Produce a Cocktail classification
set_pseudo Produce a Cocktail classification
set_pseudo-method Produce a Cocktail classification
shaker Class containing Cocktail algorithms.
shaker-class Class containing Cocktail algorithms.
shannon Calculation of statistics at plot level
show-method Summary method for vegtable objects
simpson Calculation of statistics at plot level
subset Subset functions for vegtable objects
subset-method Subset functions for vegtable objects
summary Summary method for vegtable objects
summary-method Summary method for vegtable objects

-- T --

taxa2samples Insert taxon information into samples
taxa2samples-method Insert taxon information into samples
taxa2samples.vegtable Insert taxon information into samples
trait_proportion Statistics and proportion for taxon traits
trait_proportion-method Statistics and proportion for taxon traits
trait_stats Statistics and proportion for taxon traits
trait_stats-method Statistics and proportion for taxon traits
tv2coverconvert Import of vegetation data from Turboveg databases
tv2vegtable Import of vegetation data from Turboveg databases

-- U --

update_det Update by determined specimens
update_det-method Update by determined specimens
used_concepts Retrieve synonyms or taxon concepts used in a data set
used_concepts-method Retrieve synonyms or taxon concepts used in a data set
used_concepts.vegtable Retrieve synonyms or taxon concepts used in a data set
used_synonyms Retrieve synonyms or taxon concepts used in a data set
used_synonyms-method Retrieve synonyms or taxon concepts used in a data set
used_synonyms.vegtable Retrieve synonyms or taxon concepts used in a data set

-- V --

vegtable Class vegtable.
vegtable-class Class vegtable.
vegtable_stat General statistics from vegtable objects
vegtable_stat-method General statistics from vegtable objects
vegtable_stat.vegtable General statistics from vegtable objects
veg_aggregate Aggregating information into a data frame
veg_aggregate-method Aggregating information into a data frame
veg_diversity Calculation of statistics at plot level
veg_diversity-method Calculation of statistics at plot level
veg_diversity.vegtable Calculation of statistics at plot level
veg_diverstiy Calculation of statistics at plot level
veg_relation Retrieve or replace relations in vegtable objects
veg_relation-method Retrieve or replace relations in vegtable objects
veg_relation<- Retrieve or replace relations in vegtable objects
veg_relation<--method Retrieve or replace relations in vegtable objects

-- W --

Wetlands Vegetation-plots from Tanzania
Wetlands-data Vegetation-plots from Tanzania
Wetlands_veg Vegetation-plots from Tanzania
write_juice Exporting tables for Juice
write_juice-method Exporting tables for Juice

-- misc --

$ Select or replace elements in objects
$-method Select or replace elements in objects
$<- Select or replace elements in objects
$<--method Select or replace elements in objects
[ Select or replace elements in objects
[-method Select or replace elements in objects
[<- Select or replace elements in objects
[<--method Select or replace elements in objects