plot_ts {vctsfr}R Documentation

Create a ggplot object with a time series and forecast


Create a ggplot object associated with a time series and, optionally, its future values, a forecast for its future values and a prediction interval of the forecast.


  future = NULL,
  prediction = NULL,
  method = NULL,
  lpi = NULL,
  upi = NULL,
  level = NULL,
  sdp = TRUE



a time series of class ts.


NULL (default) or a time series of class ts or a vector. Future values of the time series.


NULL (default) or a time series of class ts or a vector. Forecast of the future values of the time series.


NULL (default) a character string with the name of the method used to forecast the future values of the time series. This name will appear in the legend.


NULL (default) or a time series of class ts or a vector. Lower limit of a prediction interval for the prediction parameter.


NULL (default) or a time series of class ts or a vector. Upper limit of a prediction interval for the prediction parameter.


NULL (default) a number in the interval (0, 100) indicating the level of the prediction interval.


logical. Should data points be shown? (default value TRUE)


If future or prediction are vectors then they are supposed to start after the last data of the time series.


The ggplot object representing the time series and its forecast.


plot_ts(USAccDeaths) # plot a time series

# plot a time series, not showing data points
plot_ts(USAccDeaths, sdp = FALSE)

# plot a time series, its future values and a prediction
ts <- window(USAccDeaths, end = c(1977, 12))
f <- window(USAccDeaths, start = c(1978, 1))
p <- ts(window(USAccDeaths, start = c(1976, 1), end = c(1976, 12)),
        start = c(1978, 1),
        frequency = 12
plot_ts(ts, future = f, prediction = p)

# plot a time series and a prediction
plot_ts(USAccDeaths, prediction = rep(mean(USAccDeaths), 12),
        method = "Mean")

# plot a time series, a prediction and a prediction interval
if (require(forecast)) {
  timeS <- window(USAccDeaths, end = c(1977, 12))
  f <- window(USAccDeaths, start = c(1978, 1))
  ets_fit <- ets(timeS)
  p <- forecast(ets_fit, h = length(f), level = 90)
  plot_ts(timeS, future = f, prediction = p$mean, method = "ES",
          lpi = p$lower, upi = p$upper, level = 90

[Package vctsfr version 0.1.1 Index]