olmm-gefp {vcrpart}R Documentation

Methods for score processes of olmm objects


Methods to extract and pre-decorrelate the (negative) marginal maximum likelihood observation scores and compute the standardized cumulative score processes of a fitted olmm object.


olmm_estfun(x, predecor = FALSE, control = predecor_control(),
            nuisance = NULL, ...)

predecor_control(impute = TRUE, seed = NULL, 
                 symmetric = TRUE, center = FALSE,
                 reltol = 1e-6,
                 maxit = 250L, minsize = 1L,
                 include = c("observed", "all"),
                 verbose = FALSE, silent = FALSE)

olmm_gefp(object, scores = NULL, order.by = NULL, subset = NULL,
          predecor = TRUE, parm = NULL, center = TRUE, drop = TRUE,
          silent = FALSE, ...)


x, object

a fitted olmm object.


logical scalar. Indicates whether the within-subject correlation of the estimating equations should be removed by a linear transformation. See details.


a list of control parameter as produced by predecor_control.


integer vector. Defines the coefficients which are regarded as nuisance and therefore omitted from the transformation.


logical scalar. Whether missing values should be replaced using imputation.


an integer scalar. Specifies the random number used for the set.seed call before the imputation. If set to NULL, set.seed is not processed.


logical scalar. Whether the transformation matrix should be symmetric.


integer scalar. The minimum number of observations for which entries in the transformation should be computed. Higher values will lead to lower accuracy but stabilize the computation.


convergence tolerance used to compute the transformation matrix.


the maximum number of iterations used to compute the transformation matrix.


logical scalar. Should the report of warnings be suppressed?


logical scalar. Whether the transformation matrix should be computed based on the scores corresponding to observations (option "observed") or on all scores (option "all"), including the imputed values.


logical scalar. Produces messages.


a function or a matrix. Function to extract the estimating equations from object or a matrix representing the estimating equations. If NULL (default), the olmm_estfun function will be used with argument predecor and additional arguments from ....


a numeric or factor vector. The explanatory variable to be used to order the entries in the estimating equations. If set to NULL (the default) the observations are assumed to be ordered.


logical vector. For extracts the subset of the estimating equations to be used.


integer, logical or a character vector. Extracts the columns of the estimating equations.


logical scalar. TRUE subtracts, if necessary, the column means of the estimating equations.


logical. Whether singularities should be handled automatically (otherwise singularities yield an error).


arguments passed to other functions. olmm_gefp passes these arguments to scores if scores is a function.


Complements the estfun method of the package sandwich and the gefp function of the package strucchange for olmm objects. olmm_estfun allows to pre-decorrelate the intra-individual correlation of observation scores, see the argument predecor. The value returned by olmm_gefp may be used for testing coefficient constancy regarding an explanatory variable order.by by the sctest function of package strucchange, see the examples below.

If predecor = TRUE in olmm_estfun, a linear within-subject transformation is applied that removes (approximately) the intra-subject correlation from the scores. Backgrounds are provided by Burgin and Ritschard (2014a).

Given a score matrix produced by olmm_estfun, the empirical fluctuation process can be computed by olmm_gefp. See Zeileis and Hornik (2007). olmm_gefp provides with subset and parm arguments specifically designed for nodewise tests in the tvcm algorithm. Using subset extracts the partial fluctuation process of the selected subset. Further, center = TRUE makes sure that the partial fluctuation process (starts and) ends with zero.


predecor_control returns a list of control parameters for computing the pre-decorrelation transformation matrix. olmm_estfun returns a matrix with the estimating equations and olmm_gefp a list of class class "gefp".


Reto Burgin


Zeileis A., Hornik K. (2007), Generalized M-Fluctuation Tests for Parameter Instability, Statistica Neerlandica, 61(4), 488–508.

Burgin R. and Ritschard G. (2015), Tree-Based Varying Coefficient Regression for Longitudinal Ordinal Responses. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 86, 65–80.

See Also



## ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
## Dummy example :
## Testing coefficient constancy on 'z4' of the 'vcrpart_1' data.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------- #


## extract a unbalanced subset to show to the full functionality of estfun
vcrpart_1 <- vcrpart_1[-seq(1, 100, 4),]
subset <- vcrpart_1$wave != 1L ## obs. to keep for fluctuation tests

## fit the model
model <- olmm(y ~ treat + re(1|id), data = vcrpart_1)

## extract and pre-decorrelate the scores
scores <- olmm_estfun(
  model, predecor = TRUE,
  control = predecor_control(verbose = TRUE))
attr(scores, "T") # transformation matrix

## compute the empirical fluctuation process
fp <- olmm_gefp(model, scores, order.by = vcrpart_1$z4)

## process a fluctuation test
sctest(fp, functional = catL2BB(fp))

[Package vcrpart version 1.0-5 Index]