Record 'HTTP' Calls to Disk

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Documentation for package ‘vcr’ version 1.2.2

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vcr-package vcr: Record HTTP Calls to Disk
as.cassette Coerce names, etc. to cassettes
as.cassettepath Coerce names, etc. to cassettes
cassettes List cassettes, get current cassette, etc.
cassette_path List cassettes, get current cassette, etc.
check_cassette_names Check cassette names
crul_request An HTTP request as prepared by the 'crul' package
current_cassette List cassettes, get current cassette, etc.
eject_cassette Eject a cassette
HTTPInteraction HTTPInteraction class
HTTPInteractionList HTTPInteractionList class
http_interactions Get the http interactions of the current cassette
insert_cassette Insert a cassette to record HTTP requests
lightswitch Turn vcr on and off, check on/off status, and turn off for a given http call
real_http_connections_allowed Are real http connections allowed?
recording vcr recording options
request-matching vcr request matching
RequestHandler RequestHandler
RequestHandlerCrul RequestHandlerCrul
RequestHandlerHttr RequestHandlerHttr
RequestMatcherRegistry RequestMatcherRegistry
skip_if_vcr_off Skip tests if vcr is off
str_splitter split string every N characters
turned_off Turn vcr on and off, check on/off status, and turn off for a given http call
turned_on Turn vcr on and off, check on/off status, and turn off for a given http call
turn_off Turn vcr on and off, check on/off status, and turn off for a given http call
turn_on Turn vcr on and off, check on/off status, and turn off for a given http call
UnhandledHTTPRequestError UnhandledHTTPRequestError
use_cassette Use a cassette to record HTTP requests
use_vcr Setup vcr for a package
vcr vcr: Record HTTP Calls to Disk
vcr_configuration Global Configuration Options
vcr_configure Global Configuration Options
vcr_configure_reset Global Configuration Options
vcr_config_defaults Global Configuration Options
vcr_last_error UnhandledHTTPRequestError
vcr_test_path Locate file in tests directory