vcpen {vcpen} | R Documentation |
Penalized Variance Components
Penalized Variance Component analysis
frac1 = 0.8,
lambda_factor = NULL,
lambda_grid = NULL,
maxiter = 1000,
vc_init = NULL,
print_iter = FALSE
## S3 method for class 'vcpen'
summary(object, ..., digits = 4)
y |
Numeric vector of traits. Only continuous trait currently allowed. |
X |
Matrix of covariates (columns) for subjects (rows), matching subjects in the trait (y) vector. |
Kerns |
List of kernel matrices: a kernel matrix for each variance compenent. The last kernel matrix in the list (an identity matrix) is for the residual variance component. |
frac1 |
Fraction of penalty imposed on L1 penalty, between 0 and 1 (0 for only L2; 1 for only L1 penalty). |
lambda_factor |
Weight for each vc (values between 0 and 1) for how much it should be penalized: 0 means no penalty. Default value of NULL implies weight of 1 for all vc's. |
lambda_grid |
Vector of lambda penalties for fitting the penalized model. Best to order values from largest to smallest so parameter estimates from a large penalty can be used as initial values for the next smaller penalty. Default value of NULL implies initial values of seq(from=.10, to=0, by=-0.01). |
maxiter |
Maximum number of iterations allowed during penalized fitting. |
vc_init |
Numeric vector of initial values for variance components. Default value of NULL implies initial values determined by 2 iterations of minque estimation. |
print_iter |
Logical: if TRUE, print the iteration results (mainly for refined checks) |
object |
Fitted vcpen object (used in summary method) |
... |
Optional arguments for summary method |
digits |
Signficant digits for summary method |
object with S3 class vcpen
JP Sinnwell, DJ Schaid
nvc <- 1+length(unique(doseinfo[,2]))
id <- 1:nrow(dose)
## vcs for genetic kernel matrices
Kerns <- vector("list", length=nvc)
for(i in 1:(nvc-1)){
Kerns[[i]] <- kernel_linear(dose[,grep(i, doseinfo[,2])])
rownames(Kerns[[i]]) <- id
colnames(Kerns[[i]]) <- id
## vc for residual variance
Kerns[[nvc]] <- diag(nrow(dose))
rownames(Kerns[[nvc]]) <- id
colnames(Kerns[[nvc]]) <- id
fit <- vcpen(response, covmat, Kerns, frac1 = .6)