variance_othstr {vardpoor}R Documentation

Variance estimation for sample surveys by the new stratification


Computes s2g and the variance estimation by the new stratification.


  N_h = NULL,
  period = NULL,
  dataset = NULL,
  checking = TRUE



Variables of interest. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers or logical vector with only one TRUE value (length of the vector has to be the same as the column count of dataset).


The unit stratum variable. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number or logical vector with only one TRUE value (length of the vector has to be the same as the column count of dataset).


The unit new stratum variable. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number or logical vector with only one TRUE value (length of the vector has to be the same as the column count of dataset).


Weight variable. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number or logical vector with only one TRUE value (length of the vector has to be the same as the column count of dataset).


optional; either a data.frame giving the first column - stratum, but the second column - the total of the population in each stratum.


optional; either a data.frame giving the first column - new stratum, but the second column - the total of the population in each new stratum.


Optional variable for the survey periods. If supplied, the values for each period are computed independently. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number or logical vector with only one TRUE value (length of the vector has to be the same as the column count of dataset).


Optional survey data object convertible to data.table.


Optional variable if this variable is TRUE, then function checks data preparation errors, otherwise not checked. This variable by default is TRUE.


It is possible to compute population size M_g from sampling frame. The standard deviation of g-th stratum is

S_g^2 =\frac{1}{M_g-1} \sum\limits_{k=1}^{M_g} \left(y_{gk}-\bar{Y}_g \right)^2= \frac{1}{M_g-1} \sum\limits_{k=1}^{M_g} y_{gk}^2 - \frac{M_g}{M_g-1}\bar{Y}_g^2

\sum\limits_{k=1}^{M_g} y_{gk} ^2 and \bar{Y}_g^2 have to be estimated to estimate S_g^2. Estimate of \sum\limits_{k=1}^{M_g} y_{gk}^2 is \sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} \frac{N_h}{n_h} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n_h} y_{gi}^2 z_{hi}, where

z_{hi} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0, & h_i \notin \theta_g \\ 1, & h_i \in \theta_g \end{array} \right. , \theta_g is the index group of successfully surveyed units belonging to g-th stratum. #'Estimate of \bar{Y}_g^2 is

\hat{\bar{Y}}_g^2=\left( \hat{\bar{Y}}_g \right)^2-\hat{Var} \left(\hat{\bar{Y}} \right)

\hat{\bar{Y}}_g =\frac{\hat{Y}_g}{M_g}= \frac{1}{M_g} \sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} \frac{N_h}{n_h} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n_h} y_{hi} z_{hi}

So the estimate of S_g^2 is

s_g^2=\frac{1}{M_g-1} \sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} \frac{N_h}{n_h} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n_h} y_{hi}^2 z_{hi} -

-\frac{M_g}{M_g-1} \left( \left( \frac{1}{M_g} \sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} \frac{N_h}{n_h} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n_h} y_{hi} z_{hi} \right)^2 - \frac{1}{M_g^2} \sum\limits_{h=1}^{H} N_h^2 \left(\frac{1}{n_h} - \frac{1}{N_h}\right) \frac{1}{n_h-1} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n_h} \left(y_{hi} z_{hi} - \frac{1}{n_h} \sum\limits_{t=1}^{n_h} y_{ht} z_{ht} \right)^2 \right)

Two conditions have to realize to estimate S_g^2: n_h>1, \forall g and \theta_g \ne 0, \forall g.

Variance of \hat{Y} is

Var\left( \hat{Y} \right) = \sum\limits_{g=1}^{G} M_g^2 \left( \frac{1}{m_g} - \frac{1}{M_g} \right) S_g^2

Estimate of \hat{Var}\left( \hat{Y} \right) is

\hat{Var}\left( \hat{Y} \right) = \sum\limits_{g=1}^{G} M_g^2 \left( \frac{1}{m_g} - \frac{1}{M_g} \right)s_g^2


A list with objects are returned by the function:


M. Liberts. (2004) Non-response Analysis and Bias Estimation in a Survey on Transportation of Goods by Road.

See Also

domain, lin.ratio, linarpr, linarpt, lingini, lingini2, lingpg, linpoormed, linqsr, linrmpg, residual_est, vardom, vardom_othstr, vardomh, varpoord


Y <- data.table(matrix(runif(50) * 5, ncol = 5))
H <- data.table(H = as.integer(trunc(5 * runif(10))))
H2 <- data.table(H2 = as.integer(trunc(3 * runif(10))))
N_h <- data.table(matrix(0 : 4, 5, 1))
setnames(N_h, names(N_h), "H")
N_h[, sk:= 10]
N_h2 <- data.table(matrix(0 : 2, 3, 1))
setnames(N_h2, names(N_h2), "H2")
N_h2[, sk2:= 4]
w_final <- rep(2, 10)
vo <- variance_othstr(Y = Y, H = H, H2 = H2,
                      w_final = w_final,
                      N_h = N_h, N_h2 = N_h2,
                      period = NULL,
                      dataset = NULL)

[Package vardpoor version 0.20.1 Index]