vardcros {vardpoor}R Documentation

Variance estimation for cross-sectional, longitudinal measures for single and multistage stage cluster sampling designs


Computes the variance estimation for cross-sectional and longitudinal measures for any stage cluster sampling designs.


  Dom = NULL,
  Z = NULL,
  gender = NULL,
  country = NULL,
  dataset = NULL,
  X = NULL,
  countryX = NULL,
  periodX = NULL,
  X_ID_level1 = NULL,
  ind_gr = NULL,
  g = NULL,
  q = NULL,
  datasetX = NULL,
  linratio = FALSE,
  percentratio = 1,
  use.estVar = FALSE,
  ID_level1_max = TRUE,
  outp_res = FALSE,
  withperiod = TRUE,
  netchanges = TRUE,
  confidence = 0.95,
  checking = TRUE



Variables of interest. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers.


The unit stratum variable. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Primary sampling unit variable. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Weight variable. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Variable for level1 ID codes. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Optional variable for unit ID codes. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Optional variables used to define population domains. If supplied, variables are calculated for each domain. An object convertible to data.table or variable names as character vector, column numbers.


Optional variables of denominator for ratio estimation. If supplied, the ratio estimation is computed. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers. This variable is NULL by default.


Numerical variable for gender, where 1 is for males, but 2 is for females. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Variable for the survey countries. The values for each country are computed independently. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers.


Variable for the survey periods. The values for each period are computed independently. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers.


Optional survey data object convertible to data.table.


Optional matrix of the auxiliary variables for the calibration estimator. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers.


Optional variable for the survey countries. The values for each country are computed independently. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers.


Optional variable of the survey periods and countries. If supplied, residual estimation of calibration is done independently for each time period. Object convertible to data.table or variable names as character, column numbers.


Variable for level1 ID codes. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Optional variable by which divided independently X matrix of the auxiliary variables for the calibration. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Optional variable of the g weights. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Variable of the positive values accounting for heteroscedasticity. One dimensional object convertible to one-column data.table or variable name as character, column number.


Optional survey data object in household level convertible to data.table.


Logical value. If value is TRUE, then the linearized variables for the ratio estimator is used for variance estimation. If value is FALSE, then the gradients is used for variance estimation.


Positive numeric value. All linearized variables are multiplied with percentratio value, by default - 1.


Logical value. If value is TRUE, then R function estVar is used for the estimation of covariance matrix of the residuals. If value is FALSE, then R function estVar is not used for the estimation of covariance matrix of the residuals.


Logical value. If value is TRUE, then the size of sample for variance under simple random sampling is taken as maximum value of size in ID_level1 . If value is FALSE, then the size of sample for variance under simple random sampling is taken as count of ID_level2 in ID_level1.


Logical value. If TRUE estimated residuals of calibration will be printed out.


Logical value. If TRUE is value, the results is with period, if FALSE, without period.


Logical value. If value is TRUE, then produce two objects: the first object is aggregation of weighted data by period (if available), country, strata and PSU, the second object is an estimation for Y, the variance, gradient for numerator and denominator by country and period (if available). If value is FALSE, then both objects containing NULL.


Optional positive value for confidence interval. This variable by default is 0.95.


Optional variable if this variable is TRUE, then function checks data preparation errors, otherwise not checked. This variable by default is TRUE.


A list with four objects are returned by the function:


Guillaume Osier, Yves Berger, Tim Goedeme, (2013), Standard error estimation for the EU-SILC indicators of poverty and social exclusion, Eurostat Methodologies and Working papers, URL
Yves G. Berger, Tim Goedeme, Guillame Osier (2013). Handbook on standard error estimation and other related sampling issues in EU-SILC, URL
Eurostat Methodologies and Working papers, Handbook on precision requirements and variance estimation for ESS household surveys, 2013, URL

See Also

domain, lin.ratio



# Example 1
dataset1 <- data.table(eusilc)
dataset1[, year := 2010]
dataset1[, country := "AT"]
dataset1[age < 0, age := 0]
PSU <- dataset1[, .N, keyby = "db030"][, N := NULL]
PSU[, PSU := trunc(runif(nrow(PSU), 0, 100))]
dataset1 <- merge(dataset1, PSU, by = "db030", all = TRUE)
PSU <- eusilc <- 0
dataset1[, strata := "XXXX"]
dataset1[, t_pov := trunc(runif(nrow(dataset1), 0, 2))]
dataset1[, t_dep := trunc(runif(nrow(dataset1), 0, 2))]
dataset1[, t_lwi := trunc(runif(nrow(dataset1), 0, 2))]
dataset1[, exp := 1]
dataset1[, exp2 := 1 * (age < 60)]
# At-risk-of-poverty (AROP)
dataset1[, pov := ifelse (t_pov == 1, 1, 0)]
# Severe material deprivation (DEP)
dataset1[, dep := ifelse (t_dep == 1, 1, 0)]
# Low work intensity (LWI)
dataset1[, lwi := ifelse (t_lwi == 1 & exp2 == 1, 1, 0)]
# At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion (AROPE)
dataset1[, arope := ifelse (pov == 1 | dep == 1 | lwi == 1, 1, 0)]

result11 <- vardcros(Y="arope", H = "strata",
                     PSU = "PSU", w_final = "rb050",
                     ID_level1 = "db030", ID_level2 = "rb030",
                     Dom = "rb090", Z = NULL, country = "country",
                     period = "year", dataset = dataset1,
                     linratio = FALSE, withperiod = TRUE,
                     netchanges = TRUE, confidence = .95)
## Not run: 
# Example 2
dataset1 <- data.table(rbind(eusilc, eusilc),
                       year = c(rep(2010, nrow(eusilc)),
                                rep(2011, nrow(eusilc))))
dataset1[, country := "AT"]
dataset1[age < 0, age := 0]
PSU <- dataset1[, .N, keyby = "db030"][, N := NULL]
PSU[, PSU := trunc(runif(nrow(PSU), 0, 100))]
dataset1 <- merge(dataset1, PSU, by = "db030", all = TRUE)
PSU <- eusilc <- 0
dataset1[, strata := "XXXX"]
dataset1[, strata := as.character(strata)]
dataset1[, t_pov := trunc(runif(nrow(dataset1), 0, 2))]
dataset1[, t_dep := trunc(runif(nrow(dataset1), 0, 2))]
dataset1[, t_lwi := trunc(runif(nrow(dataset1), 0, 2))]
dataset1[, exp := 1]
dataset1[, exp2 := 1 * (age < 60)]
# At-risk-of-poverty (AROP)
dataset1[, pov := ifelse(t_pov == 1, 1, 0)]
# Severe material deprivation (DEP)
dataset1[, dep := ifelse(t_dep == 1, 1, 0)]
# Low work intensity (LWI)
dataset1[, lwi := ifelse(t_lwi == 1 & exp2 == 1, 1, 0)]
# At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion (AROPE)
dataset1[, arope := ifelse(pov == 1 | dep == 1 | lwi == 1, 1, 0)]
result11 <- vardcros(Y = c("pov", "dep", "arope"),
                     H = "strata", PSU = "PSU", w_final = "rb050",
                     ID_level1 = "db030", ID_level2 = "rb030",
                     Dom = "rb090", Z = NULL, country = "country",
                     period = "year", dataset = dataset1,
                     linratio = FALSE, withperiod = TRUE,
                     netchanges = TRUE, confidence = .95)
dataset2 <- dataset1[exp2 == 1]
result12 <- vardcros(Y = c("lwi"), H = "strata",
                     PSU = "PSU", w_final = "rb050",
                     ID_level1 = "db030", ID_level2 = "rb030",
                     Dom = "rb090", Z = NULL,
                     country = "country", period = "year",
                     dataset = dataset2, linratio = FALSE, 
                     withperiod = TRUE, netchanges = TRUE,
                     confidence = .95)
### Example 3
year <- 2011
dataset1 <- data.table(rbind(eusilc, eusilc, eusilc, eusilc),
                       rb010 = c(rep(2008, nrow(eusilc)),
                                 rep(2009, nrow(eusilc)),
                                 rep(2010, nrow(eusilc)),
                                 rep(2011, nrow(eusilc))))
dataset1[, rb020 := "AT"]
dataset1[, u := 1]
dataset1[age < 0, age := 0]
dataset1[, strata := "XXXX"]
PSU <- dataset1[, .N, keyby = "db030"][, N:=NULL]
PSU[, PSU := trunc(runif(nrow(PSU), 0, 100))]
dataset1 <- merge(dataset1, PSU, by = "db030", all = TRUE)
thres <- data.table(rb020 = as.character(rep("AT", 4)),
                   thres = c(11406, 11931, 12371, 12791),
                   rb010 = 2008:2011)
dataset1 <- merge(dataset1, thres, all.x = TRUE, by = c("rb010", "rb020"))
dataset1[, u := 0]
dataset1 <- dataset1[u == 1]
# T3        #
T3 <- dataset1[rb010 == year - 3]
T3[, strata1 := strata]
T3[, PSU1 := PSU]
T3[, w1 := rb050]
T3[, inc1 := eqIncome]
T3[, rb110_1 := db030]
T3[, pov1 := inc1 <= thres]
T3 <- T3[, c("rb020", "rb030", "strata", "PSU", "inc1", "pov1"), with = FALSE]
# T2        #
T2 <- dataset1[rb010 == year - 2]
T2[, strata2 := strata]
T2[, PSU2 := PSU]
T2[, w2 := rb050]
T2[, inc2 := eqIncome]
T2[, rb110_2 := db030]
setnames(T2, "thres", "thres2")
T2[, pov2 := inc2 <= thres2]
T2 <- T2[, c("rb020", "rb030", "strata2", "PSU2", "inc2", "pov2"), with = FALSE]
# T1        #
T1 <- dataset1[rb010 == year - 1]
T1[, strata3 := strata]
T1[, PSU3 := PSU]
T1[, w3 := rb050]
T1[, inc3 := eqIncome]
T1[, rb110_3 := db030]
setnames(T1, "thres", "thres3")
T1[, pov3 := inc3 <= thres3]
T1 <- T1[, c("rb020", "rb030", "strata3", "PSU3", "inc3", "pov3"), with = FALSE]
# T0        #
T0 <- dataset1[rb010 == year]
T0[, PSU4 := PSU]
T0[, strata4 := strata]
T0[, w4 := rb050]
T0[, inc4 := eqIncome]
T0[, rb110_4 := db030]
setnames(T0, "thres", "thres4")
T0[, pov4 := inc4 <= thres4]
T0 <- T0[, c("rb010", "rb020", "rb030", "strata4", "PSU4", "w4", "inc4", "pov4"), with = FALSE]
apv <- merge(T3, T2, all = TRUE, by = c("rb020", "rb030"))
apv <- merge(apv, T1, all = TRUE, by = c("rb020", "rb030"))
apv <- merge(apv, T0, all = TRUE, by = c("rb020", "rb030"))
apv <- apv[(! & (! & (! & (!]
apv[, ppr := ifelse(((pov4 == 1) & ((pov1 == 1 & pov2 == 1 & pov3 == 1) 
                                  | (pov1 == 1 & pov2 == 1 & pov3 == 0)
                                  | (pov1 == 1 & pov2 == 0 & pov3 == 1)
                                  | (pov1 == 0 & pov2 ==1 & pov3 == 1))), 1, 0)]
result20 <- vardcros(Y = "ppr", H = "strata", PSU = "PSU",
                     w_final = "w4", ID_level1 = "rb030",
                     ID_level2 = "rb030", Dom = NULL,
                     Z = NULL, country = "rb020",
                     period = "rb010", dataset = apv,
                     linratio = FALSE, 
                     withperiod = TRUE,
                     netchanges = FALSE,
                     confidence = .95)
## End(Not run)

[Package vardpoor version 0.20.1 Index]