Large-Scale Bayesian Variable Selection Using Variational Methods

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Documentation for package ‘varbvs’ version 2.6-10

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varbvs-package Large-scale Bayesian variable selection using variational methods
bayesfactor Compute numerical estimate of Bayes factor.
case.names.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
coef.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
coef.varbvsmix Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
confint.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
cred Estimate credible interval.
cytokine Cytokine signaling genes SNP annotation.
deviance.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
fitted.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
labels.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
leukemia Expression levels recorded in leukemia patients.
nobs.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
normalizelogweights Compute normalized probabilities.
plot.varbvs Summarize variable selection results in a single plot.
predict.varbvs Make predictions from a model fitted by varbvs.
predict.varbvsmix Make predictions from a model fitted by varbvsmix.
print.summary.varbvs Summarize a fitted variable selection model.
print.varbvs Summarize a fitted variable selection model.
rand Return matrices of pseudorandom values.
randn Return matrices of pseudorandom values.
resid.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
residuals.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
subset.varbvs Select hyperparameter settings from varbvs analysis.
summary.varbvs Summarize a fitted variable selection model.
varbvs Fit variable selection model using variational approximation methods. Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
varbvsbf Compute numerical estimate of Bayes factor.
varbvsindep Compute posterior statistics, ignoring correlations.
varbvsmix Fit linear regression with mixture-of-normals priors using variational approximation methods. Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models
varbvsproxybf Compute Bayes factors measuring improvement-in-fit along 1 dimension.
variable.names.varbvs Accessing Properties of Fitted varbvs Models