UCR2015 {vannstats} | R Documentation |
Uniform Crime Reports, 2015 (County-Level)
This subset of data comes from one iteration of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, administered in 2015. These data were collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the United States Department of Justice. While the original data cover every reported crime event that took place in 2015, these data are aggregated to the county level. Additionally, these data are combined with (a subset of) county-level demographic data from the 2005-2009 (5-year estimates) iteration of the American Community Survey. Information about the data set can be found in the UCR2015 Codebook at: https://burrelvannjr.com/docs/UCR2015_Codebook.pdf.
A data frame with 3108 observations and 102 variables.
id | State and County Identifier |
statefips | FIPS Code for State |
countyfips | FIPS Code for County |
state | State Name |
county | County Name |
totalpop | Total County Population |
pct_unemp | Percent of Total County Population who are Unemployed |
pct_homeowners | Percent of Total County Population who are Homeowners |
pct_college | Percent of Total County Population who are over 25 years old and hold a Bachelor's Degree |
med_fam_inc | Median Family Income (in Thousands of Dollars) |
pop_density | Population Density (Population over Land Area in County) |
pct_poverty | Percent of Total County Population who are below the Poverty Line |
pct_white | Percent of Total County Population who are White |
pct_black | Percent of Total County Population who are Black |
pct_latino | Percent of Total County Population who are Latinx/e/a/o |
income_inequality | Gini Coefficient of Income Inequality -- The distribution of income across the county population. High scores indicate greater inequality, with high-income individuals receiving much larger percentages of the total income made in the county. |
rape | Forcible rape (Count) |
robbery | Robbery (Count) |
agg_assault | Aggravated assault (Count) |
burglary | Burglary-breaking or entering (Count) |
larceny | Larceny-theft (not motor vehicles) (Count) |
mv_theft | Motor vehicle theft (Count) |
other_assault | Other assaults (Count) |
arson | Arson (Count) |
forgery | Forgery and counterfeiting (Count) |
fraud | Fraud (Count) |
embezzlement | Embezzlement (Count) |
stolen_property | Stolen property-buy, receive, poss. (Count) |
vandalism | Vandalism (Count) |
weapons | Weapons-carry, posses, etc. (Count) |
sex_offense | Sex offenses (not rape or prostitution) (Count) |
drug_abuse | Total drug abuse violations (Count) |
drug_sale | Sale/manufacture (subtotal) (Count) |
drug_possession | Possession (subtotal) (Count) |
drug_sale_coke | Sale/mfg-Opium, coke, and their derivatives (Count) |
drug_sale_mj | Sale/mfg-Marijuana (Count) |
drug_possession_coke | Possession-Opium, coke, and their derivatives (Count) |
drug_possession_mj | Possession-Marijuana (Count) |
drug_possession_narc | Possession-Truly addicting synthetic narcotics (Count) |
drug_possession_other | Possession-Other dangerous non-narc drugs (Count) |
domestic_offenses | Offenses against family and children (Count) |
dui | Driving under the influence (Count) |
liquor_violation | Liquor laws (Count) |
disorderly_conduct | Disorderly conduct (Count) |
other_nontraffic_violation | All other non-traffic offenses (Count) |
murder | Murder and non-negligent manslaughter (Count) |
drug_sale_other | Sale/mfg-Other dangerous non-narc drugs (Count) |
prostitution | Prostitution and commercialized vice (Count) |
drug_sale_narc | Sale/mfg-Truly addicting synthetic narcotics (Count) |
vagrancy | Vagrancy (Count) |
drunkenness | Drunkenness (Count) |
curfew_loitering | Curfew and loitering violations (Count) |
runaway | Runaways (Count) |
manslaughter_negligence | Manslaughter by negligence (Count) |
gambling_all | Gambling (total) (Count) |
suspicion | Suspicion (Count) |
gambling_bookmaking | Bookmaking (horse and sports) (Count) |
gambling_other | All other gambling (Count) |
gambling_lottery | Number and lottery (Count) |
rape_pct | Forcible rape (as percent of total county population) |
robbery_pct | Robbery (as percent of total county population) |
agg_assault_pct | Aggravated assault (as percent of total county population) |
burglary_pct | Burglary-breaking or entering (as percent of total county population) |
larceny_pct | Larceny-theft (not motor vehicles) (as percent of total county population) |
mv_theft_pct | Motor vehicle theft (as percent of total county population) |
other_assault_pct | Other assaults (as percent of total county population) |
arson_pct | Arson (as percent of total county population) |
forgery_pct | Forgery and counterfeiting (as percent of total county population) |
fraud_pct | Fraud (as percent of total county population) |
embezzlement_pct | Embezzlement (as percent of total county population) |
stolen_property_pct | Stolen property-buy, receive, poss. (as percent of total county population) |
vandalism_pct | Vandalism (as percent of total county population) |
weapons_pct | Weapons-carry, posses, etc. (as percent of total county population) |
sex_offense_pct | Sex offenses (not rape or prostitution) (as percent of total county population) |
drug_abuse_pct | Total drug abuse violations (as percent of total county population) |
drug_sale_pct | Sale/manufacture (subtotal) (as percent of total county population) |
drug_possession_pct | Possession (subtotal) (as percent of total county population) |
drug_sale_coke_pct | Sale/mfg-Opium, coke, and their derivatives (as percent of total county population) |
drug_sale_mj_pct | Sale/mfg-Marijuana (as percent of total county population) |
drug_possession_coke_pct | Possession-Opium, coke, and their derivatives (as percent of total county population) |
drug_possession_mj_pct | Possession-Marijuana (as percent of total county population) |
drug_possession_narc_pct | Possession-Truly addicting synthetic narcotics (as percent of total county population) |
drug_possession_other_pct | Possession-Other dangerous non-narc drugs (as percent of total county population) |
domestic_offenses_pct | Offenses against family and children (as percent of total county population) |
dui_pct | Driving under the influence (as percent of total county population) |
liquor_violation_pct | Liquor laws (as percent of total county population) |
disorderly_conduct_pct | Disorderly conduct (as percent of total county population) |
other_nontraffic_violation_pct | All other non-traffic offenses (as percent of total county population) |
murder_pct | Murder and non-negligent manslaughter (as percent of total county population) |
drug_sale_other_pct | Sale/mfg-Other dangerous non-narc drugs (as percent of total county population) |
prostitution_pct | Prostitution and commercialized vice (as percent of total county population) |
drug_sale_narc_pct | Sale/mfg-Truly addicting synthetic narcotics (as percent of total county population) |
vagrancy_pct | Vagrancy (as percent of total county population) |
drunkenness_pct | Drunkenness (as percent of total county population) |
curfew_loitering_pct | Curfew and loitering violations (as percent of total county population) |
runaway_pct | Runaways (as percent of total county population) |
manslaughter_negligence_pct | Manslaughter by negligence (as percent of total county population) |
gambling_all_pct | Gambling (total) (as percent of total county population) |
suspicion_pct | Suspicion (as percent of total county population) |
gambling_bookmaking_pct | Bookmaking (horse and sports) (as percent of total county population) |
gambling_other_pct | All other gambling (as percent of total county population) |
gambling_lottery_pct | Number and lottery (as percent of total county population) |
Data: https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/NACJD/studies/36794 and https://data.census.gov/mdat/#/search?ds=ACSPUMS5Y2009
Codebook: https://burrelvannjr.com/docs/UCR2015_Codebook.pdf