plot_ce {vaccine}R Documentation

Plotting controlled effect curves


Plot CR and/or CVE curves


  which = "CR",
  density_type = "none",
  dat = NA,
  zoom_x = "zoom in",
  zoom_y = "zoom out"



One or more objects of class "vaccine_est" returned by est_ce.


One of c("CR", "CVE"); controls whether to plot CR curves or CVE curves.


One of c("none", "kde", "kde edge"). Controls the type of estimator used for the background marker density plot. For "none", no density plot is displayed. For "kde", a weighted kernel density estimator is used. For "kde edge", a modified version of "kde" is used that allows for a possible point mass at the left edge of the marker distribution.


The data object originally passed into est_ce. It is only necessary to pass this in if density_type is not set to "none".


Either one of c("zoom in", "zoom out") or a vector of length 2. Controls the zooming on the X-axis. The default "zoom in" will set the zoom limits to the plot estimates. Choosing "zoom out" will set the zoom limits to show the entire distribution of the marker. Entering a vector of length 2 will set the left and right zoom limits explicitly.


Either "zoom out" or a vector of length 2. Controls the zooming on the Y-axis. The default "zoom out" will show the entire vertical range of the estimates. Entering a vector of length 2 will set the lower and upper zoom limits explicitly.


A plot of CR/CVE estimates


dat <- load_data(time="HIVwk28preunblfu", event="HIVwk28preunbl", vacc="trt",
                 marker="IgG_V2", covariates=c("age","BMI","bhvrisk"),
                 weights="wt", ph2="casecontrol", data=hvtn505)

ests_cox <- est_ce(dat=dat, type="Cox", t_0=578)
ests_np <- est_ce(dat=dat, type="NP", t_0=578)
plot_ce(ests_cox, ests_np)

[Package vaccine version 1.2.1 Index]