hvtn505 {vaccine} | R Documentation |
HVTN 505 Dataset
A dataset from the HVTN 505 clinical trial
A data frame with 1,950 rows and 10 variables:
pub_id: Unique individual identifier
trt: Treatment Assignment: 1=Vaccine, 0=Placebo
HIVwk28preunbl: Indicator of HIV-1 infection diagnosis on/after study week 28 (day 196) prior to Unblinding Date (Apr 22, 2013).
HIVwk28preunblfu: Follow-up time (in days) for HIV-1 infection diagnosis endpoint as of the Unblinding Date (22Apr2013) occuring on/after study week 28 (day 196).
age: Age (in years) at randomization
BMI: Body Mass Index: (Weight in Kg)/(Height in meters)**2
bhvrisk: Baseline behavioral risk score
casecontrol: Indicator of inclusion in the case-control cohort
wt: Inverse-probability-of-sampling weights, for the case-control cohort
IgG_env: IgG Binding to gp120/140
IgG_V2: IgG Binding to V1V2
IgG_V3: IgG Binding to V3