X |
The new data to be transformed, either a matrix of data frame. Must
have the same columns in the same order as the input data used to generate
the model .
model |
Data associated with an existing embedding.
nn_method |
Optional pre-calculated nearest neighbor data. There are
two supported formats. The first is a list consisting of two elements:
"idx" . A n_vertices x n_neighbors matrix where
n_vertices is the number of observations in X . The contents
of the matrix should be the integer indexes of the data used to generate
the model , which are the n_neighbors -nearest neighbors of
the data to be transformed.
"dist" . A n_vertices x n_neighbors matrix
containing the distances of the nearest neighbors.
The second supported format is a sparse distance matrix of type
dgCMatrix , with dimensions n_model_vertices x n_vertices .
where n_model_vertices is the number of observations in the original
data that generated the model. Distances should be arranged by column, i.e.
a non-zero entry in row j of the i th column indicates that
the j th observation in the original data used to generate the
model is a nearest neighbor of the i th observation in the new
data, with the distance given by the value of that element. In this format,
a different number of neighbors is allowed for each observation, i.e.
each column can contain a different number of non-zero values.
Multiple nearest neighbor data (e.g. from two different pre-calculated
metrics) can be passed by passing a list containing the nearest neighbor
data lists as items.
init_weighted |
If TRUE , then initialize the embedded coordinates
of X using a weighted average of the coordinates of the nearest
neighbors from the original embedding in model , where the weights
used are the edge weights from the UMAP smoothed knn distances. Otherwise,
use an un-weighted average.
This parameter will be deprecated and removed at version 1.0 of this
package. Use the init parameter as a replacement, replacing
init_weighted = TRUE with init = "weighted" and
init_weighted = FALSE with init = "average" .
search_k |
Number of nodes to search during the neighbor retrieval. The
larger k, the more the accurate results, but the longer the search takes.
Default is the value used in building the model is used.
tmpdir |
Temporary directory to store nearest neighbor indexes during
nearest neighbor search. Default is tempdir . The index is
only written to disk if n_threads > 1 ; otherwise, this parameter is
n_epochs |
Number of epochs to use during the optimization of the
embedded coordinates. A value between 30 - 100 is a reasonable trade
off between speed and thoroughness. By default, this value is set to one
third the number of epochs used to build the model .
n_threads |
Number of threads to use, (except during stochastic gradient
descent). Default is half the number of concurrent threads supported by the
n_sgd_threads |
Number of threads to use during stochastic gradient
descent. If set to > 1, then be aware that if batch = FALSE , results
will not be reproducible, even if set.seed is called with a
fixed seed before running. Set to "auto" to use the same value as
n_threads .
grain_size |
Minimum batch size for multithreading. If the number of
items to process in a thread falls below this number, then no threads will
be used. Used in conjunction with n_threads and
n_sgd_threads .
verbose |
If TRUE , log details to the console.
init |
how to initialize the transformed coordinates. One of:
"weighted" (The default). Use a weighted average of the
coordinates of the nearest neighbors from the original embedding in
model , where the weights used are the edge weights from the UMAP
smoothed knn distances. Equivalent to init_weighted = TRUE .
"average" . Use the mean average of the coordinates of
the nearest neighbors from the original embedding in model .
Equivalent to init_weighted = FALSE .
A matrix of user-specified input coordinates, which must have
dimensions the same as (nrow(X), ncol(model$embedding)) .
This parameter should be used in preference to init_weighted .
batch |
If TRUE , then embedding coordinates are updated at the
end of each epoch rather than during the epoch. In batch mode, results are
reproducible with a fixed random seed even with n_sgd_threads > 1 ,
at the cost of a slightly higher memory use. You may also have to modify
learning_rate and increase n_epochs , so whether this provides
a speed increase over the single-threaded optimization is likely to be
dataset and hardware-dependent. If NULL , the transform will use the
value provided in the model , if available. Default: FALSE .
learning_rate |
Initial learning rate used in optimization of the
coordinates. This overrides the value associated with the model .
This should be left unspecified under most circumstances.
opt_args |
A list of optimizer parameters, used when
batch = TRUE . The default optimization method used is Adam (Kingma
and Ba, 2014).
method The optimization method to use. Either "adam"
or "sgd" (stochastic gradient descent). Default: "adam" .
beta1 (Adam only). The weighting parameter for the
exponential moving average of the first moment estimator. Effectively the
momentum parameter. Should be a floating point value between 0 and 1.
Higher values can smooth oscillatory updates in poorly-conditioned
situations and may allow for a larger learning_rate to be
specified, but too high can cause divergence. Default: 0.5 .
beta2 (Adam only). The weighting parameter for the
exponential moving average of the uncentered second moment estimator.
Should be a floating point value between 0 and 1. Controls the degree of
adaptivity in the step-size. Higher values put more weight on previous
time steps. Default: 0.9 .
eps (Adam only). Intended to be a small value to prevent
division by zero, but in practice can also affect convergence due to its
interaction with beta2 . Higher values reduce the effect of the
step-size adaptivity and bring the behavior closer to stochastic gradient
descent with momentum. Typical values are between 1e-8 and 1e-3. Default:
1e-7 .
alpha The initial learning rate. Default: the value of the
learning_rate parameter.
If NULL , the transform will use the value provided in the
model , if available.
epoch_callback |
A function which will be invoked at the end of every
epoch. Its signature should be:
(epoch, n_epochs, coords, fixed_coords) , where:
epoch The current epoch number (between 1 and
n_epochs ).
n_epochs Number of epochs to use during the optimization of
the embedded coordinates.
coords The embedded coordinates as of the end of the current
epoch, as a matrix with dimensions (N, n_components ).
fixed_coords The originally embedded coordinates from the
model . These are fixed and do not change. A matrix with dimensions
(Nmodel, n_components ) where Nmodel is the number of
observations in the original data.
A vector indicating what extra data to return. May contain
any combination of the following strings:
"fgraph" the high dimensional fuzzy graph (i.e. the fuzzy
simplicial set of the merged local views of the input data). The graph
is returned as a sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix-class
with dimensions NX x Nmodel , where NX is the number
of items in the data to transform in X , and NModel is
the number of items in the data used to build the UMAP model .
A non-zero entry (i, j) gives the membership strength of the edge
connecting the vertex representing the ith item in X to the
jth item in the data used to build the model . Note that the
graph is further sparsified by removing edges with sufficiently low
membership strength that they would not be sampled by the probabilistic
edge sampling employed for optimization and therefore the number of
non-zero elements in the matrix is dependent on n_epochs . If you
are only interested in the fuzzy input graph (e.g. for clustering),
setting n_epochs = 0 will avoid any further sparsifying.
seed |
Integer seed to use to initialize the random number generator
state. Combined with n_sgd_threads = 1 or batch = TRUE , this
should give consistent output across multiple runs on a given installation.
Setting this value is equivalent to calling set.seed ,
but it may be more convenient in some situations than having to call a
separate function. The default is to not set a seed, in which case this
function uses the behavior specified by the supplied model : If the
model specifies a seed, then the model seed will be used to seed then
random number generator, and results will still be consistent (if
n_sgd_threads = 1 ). If you want to force the seed to not be set,
even if it is set in model , set seed = FALSE .