optimize_graph_layout {uwot} | R Documentation |
Optimize Graph Layout
Carry out dimensionality reduction on an input graph, where the distances in
the low dimensional space attempt to reproduce the neighbor relations in the
input data. By default, the cost function used to optimize the output
coordinates use the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP)
method (McInnes et al., 2018), but the approach from LargeVis (Tang et al.,
2016) can also be used. This function can be used to produce a low
dimensional representation of the graph produced by
n_components = 2,
n_epochs = NULL,
learning_rate = 1,
init = "spectral",
init_sdev = NULL,
spread = 1,
min_dist = 0.01,
repulsion_strength = 1,
negative_sample_rate = 5,
a = NULL,
b = NULL,
method = "umap",
approx_pow = FALSE,
pcg_rand = TRUE,
fast_sgd = FALSE,
n_sgd_threads = 0,
grain_size = 1,
verbose = getOption("verbose", TRUE),
batch = FALSE,
opt_args = NULL,
epoch_callback = NULL,
pca_method = NULL,
binary_edge_weights = FALSE
graph |
A sparse, symmetric N x N weighted adjacency matrix
representing a graph. Non-zero entries indicate an edge between two nodes
with a given edge weight. There can be a varying number of non-zero entries
in each row/column.
X |
Optional input data. Used only for PCA-based initialization.
n_components |
The dimension of the space to embed into. This defaults
to 2 to provide easy visualization, but can reasonably be set to any
integer value in the range 2 to 100 .
n_epochs |
Number of epochs to use during the optimization of the
embedded coordinates. By default, this value is set to 500 for
datasets containing 10,000 vertices or less, and 200 otherwise.
If n_epochs = 0 , then coordinates determined by "init" will
be returned.
For UMAP, the default is "none" .
learning_rate |
Initial learning rate used in optimization of the
init |
Type of initialization for the coordinates. Options are:
"spectral" Spectral embedding using the normalized Laplacian
of the fuzzy 1-skeleton, with Gaussian noise added.
"normlaplacian" . Spectral embedding using the normalized
Laplacian of the fuzzy 1-skeleton, without noise.
"random" . Coordinates assigned using a uniform random
distribution between -10 and 10.
"lvrandom" . Coordinates assigned using a Gaussian
distribution with standard deviation 1e-4, as used in LargeVis
(Tang et al., 2016) and t-SNE.
"laplacian" . Spectral embedding using the Laplacian Eigenmap.
"pca" . The first two principal components from PCA of
X if X is a data frame, and from a 2-dimensional classical
MDS if X is of class "dist" .
"spca" . Like "pca" , but each dimension is then scaled
so the standard deviation is 1e-4, to give a distribution similar to that
used in t-SNE. This is an alias for init = "pca", init_sdev =
1e-4 .
"agspectral" An "approximate global" modification of
"spectral" which all edges in the graph to a value of 1, and then
sets a random number of edges (negative_sample_rate edges per
vertex) to 0.1, to approximate the effect of non-local affinities.
A matrix of initial coordinates.
For spectral initializations, ("spectral" , "normlaplacian" ,
"laplacian" , "agspectral" ), if more than one connected
component is identified, no spectral initialization is attempted. Instead
a PCA-based initialization is attempted. If verbose = TRUE the
number of connected components are logged to the console. The existence of
multiple connected components implies that a global view of the data cannot
be attained with this initialization. Increasing the value of
n_neighbors may help.
init_sdev |
If non-NULL , scales each dimension of the initialized
coordinates (including any user-supplied matrix) to this standard
deviation. By default no scaling is carried out, except when init =
"spca" , in which case the value is 0.0001 . Scaling the input may
help if the unscaled versions result in initial coordinates with large
inter-point distances or outliers. This usually results in small gradients
during optimization and very little progress being made to the layout.
Shrinking the initial embedding by rescaling can help under these
circumstances. Scaling the result of init = "pca" is usually
recommended and init = "spca" as an alias for init = "pca",
init_sdev = 1e-4 but for the spectral initializations the scaled versions
usually aren't necessary unless you are using a large value of
n_neighbors (e.g. n_neighbors = 150 or higher). For
compatibility with recent versions of the Python UMAP package, if you are
using init = "spectral" , then you should also set
init_sdev = "range" , which will range scale each of the columns
containing the initial data between 0-10. This is not set by default to
maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions of uwot.
spread |
The effective scale of embedded points. In combination with
min_dist , this determines how clustered/clumped the embedded points
min_dist |
The effective minimum distance between embedded points.
Smaller values will result in a more clustered/clumped embedding where
nearby points on the manifold are drawn closer together, while larger
values will result on a more even dispersal of points. The value should be
set relative to the spread value, which determines the scale at
which embedded points will be spread out.
repulsion_strength |
Weighting applied to negative samples in low
dimensional embedding optimization. Values higher than one will result in
greater weight being given to negative samples.
negative_sample_rate |
The number of negative edge/1-simplex samples to
use per positive edge/1-simplex sample in optimizing the low dimensional
a |
More specific parameters controlling the embedding. If NULL
these values are set automatically as determined by min_dist and
spread .
b |
More specific parameters controlling the embedding. If NULL
these values are set automatically as determined by min_dist and
spread .
method |
Cost function to optimize. One of:
"umap" . The UMAP method of McInnes and co-workers (2018).
"tumap" . UMAP with the a and b parameters fixed
to 1.
"largevis" . The LargeVis method Tang and co-workers (2016).
approx_pow |
If TRUE , use an approximation to the power function
in the UMAP gradient, from
pcg_rand |
If TRUE , use the PCG random number generator (O'Neill,
2014) during optimization. Otherwise, use the faster (but probably less
statistically good) Tausworthe "taus88" generator. The default is
fast_sgd |
If TRUE , then the following combination of parameters
is set: pcg_rand = TRUE , n_sgd_threads = "auto" and
approx_pow = TRUE . The default is FALSE . Setting this to
TRUE will speed up the stochastic optimization phase, but give a
potentially less accurate embedding, and which will not be exactly
reproducible even with a fixed seed. For visualization, fast_sgd =
TRUE will give perfectly good results. For more generic dimensionality
reduction, it's safer to leave fast_sgd = FALSE . If fast_sgd =
TRUE , then user-supplied values of pcg_rand , n_sgd_threads ,
and approx_pow are ignored.
n_sgd_threads |
Number of threads to use during stochastic gradient
descent. If set to > 1, then be aware that if batch = FALSE , results
will not be reproducible, even if set.seed is called with a
fixed seed before running. If set to "auto" then half the number of
concurrent threads supported by the system will be used.
grain_size |
The minimum amount of work to do on each thread. If this
value is set high enough, then less than n_threads or
n_sgd_threads will be used for processing, which might give a
performance improvement if the overhead of thread management and context
switching was outweighing the improvement due to concurrent processing.
This should be left at default (1 ) and work will be spread evenly
over all the threads specified.
verbose |
If TRUE , log details to the console.
batch |
If TRUE , then embedding coordinates are updated at the
end of each epoch rather than during the epoch. In batch mode, results are
reproducible with a fixed random seed even with n_sgd_threads > 1 ,
at the cost of a slightly higher memory use. You may also have to modify
learning_rate and increase n_epochs , so whether this provides
a speed increase over the single-threaded optimization is likely to be
dataset and hardware-dependent.
opt_args |
A list of optimizer parameters, used when
batch = TRUE . The default optimization method used is Adam (Kingma
and Ba, 2014).
method The optimization method to use. Either "adam"
or "sgd" (stochastic gradient descent). Default: "adam" .
beta1 (Adam only). The weighting parameter for the
exponential moving average of the first moment estimator. Effectively the
momentum parameter. Should be a floating point value between 0 and 1.
Higher values can smooth oscillatory updates in poorly-conditioned
situations and may allow for a larger learning_rate to be
specified, but too high can cause divergence. Default: 0.5 .
beta2 (Adam only). The weighting parameter for the
exponential moving average of the uncentered second moment estimator.
Should be a floating point value between 0 and 1. Controls the degree of
adaptivity in the step-size. Higher values put more weight on previous
time steps. Default: 0.9 .
eps (Adam only). Intended to be a small value to prevent
division by zero, but in practice can also affect convergence due to its
interaction with beta2 . Higher values reduce the effect of the
step-size adaptivity and bring the behavior closer to stochastic gradient
descent with momentum. Typical values are between 1e-8 and 1e-3. Default:
1e-7 .
alpha The initial learning rate. Default: the value of the
learning_rate parameter.
epoch_callback |
A function which will be invoked at the end of every
epoch. Its signature should be: (epoch, n_epochs, coords) , where:
epoch The current epoch number (between 1 and
n_epochs ).
n_epochs Number of epochs to use during the optimization of
the embedded coordinates.
coords The embedded coordinates as of the end of the current
epoch, as a matrix with dimensions (N, n_components ).
pca_method |
Method to carry out any PCA dimensionality reduction when
the pca parameter is specified. Allowed values are:
"irlba" . Uses prcomp_irlba from the
irlba package.
"rsvd" . Uses 5 iterations of svdr from
the irlba package.
This is likely to give much faster but potentially less accurate results
than using "irlba" . For the purposes of nearest neighbor
calculation and coordinates initialization, any loss of accuracy doesn't
seem to matter much.
"bigstatsr" . Uses big_randomSVD
from the bigstatsr
package. The SVD methods used in bigstatsr may be faster on
systems without access to efficient linear algebra libraries (e.g.
Windows). Note: bigstatsr is not a dependency of
uwot: if you choose to use this package for PCA, you must install
it yourself.
"svd" . Uses svd for the SVD. This is
likely to be slow for all but the smallest datasets.
"auto" (the default). Uses "irlba" , unless more than
case "svd" is used.
binary_edge_weights |
If TRUE then edge weights in the input
graph are treated as binary (0/1) rather than real valued.
A matrix of optimized coordinates.
Kingma, D. P., & Ba, J. (2014).
Adam: A method for stochastic optimization.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980.
McInnes, L., Healy, J., & Melville, J. (2018).
UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03426.
O’Neill, M. E. (2014).
PCG: A family of simple fast space-efficient statistically good
algorithms for random number generation
(Report No. HMC-CS-2014-0905). Harvey Mudd College.
Tang, J., Liu, J., Zhang, M., & Mei, Q. (2016, April).
Visualizing large-scale and high-dimensional data.
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web
(pp. 287-297).
International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.
iris30 <- iris[c(1:10, 51:60, 101:110), ]
# return a 30 x 30 sparse matrix with similarity data based on 10 nearest
# neighbors per item
iris30_sim_graph <- similarity_graph(iris30, n_neighbors = 10)
# produce 2D coordinates replicating the neighbor relations in the similarity
# graph
iris30_opt <- optimize_graph_layout(iris30_sim_graph, X = iris30)
# the above two steps are the same as:
# set.seed(42); iris_umap <- umap(iris30, n_neighbors = 10)
uwot version 0.2.2