usmap-package |
usmap: US maps including Alaska and Hawaii |
.east_north_central |
East North Central census division |
.east_south_central |
East South Central census division |
.midwest_region |
Midwest census region |
.mid_atlantic |
Mid-Atlantic census division |
.mountain |
Mountain census division |
.new_england |
New England census division |
.northeast_region |
Northeast census region |
.north_central_region |
North-Central census region |
.pacific |
Pacific census division |
.south_atlantic |
South Atlantic census division |
.south_region |
South census region |
.west_north_central |
West North Central census division |
.west_region |
West census region |
.west_south_central |
West South Central census division |
citypop |
Most populous city in each state (2010) |
countypop |
Population estimates (2022), county level |
countypov |
Poverty percentage estimates (2021), county level |
earthquakes |
Earthquakes (2019) |
fips |
Retrieve FIPS code for either a US state or county |
fips_info |
Retrieve states or counties using FIPS codes |
fips_info.character |
Retrieve states or counties using FIPS codes |
fips_info.numeric |
Retrieve states or counties using FIPS codes |
map_with_data |
Join county or state level data to US map data |
plot_usmap |
Conveniently plot basic US map |
statepop |
Population estimates (2022), state level |
statepov |
Poverty percentage estimates (2021), state level |
usmap |
usmap: US maps including Alaska and Hawaii |
usmap_crs |
usmap coordinate reference system |
usmap_transform |
Convert spatial data to usmap projection | |
Convert spatial data to usmap projection |
usmap_transform.sf |
Convert spatial data to usmap projection |
usrivers |
US Major Rivers (2010) |
us_map |
Retrieve US map data |