Understanding Suppression of HIV

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Documentation for package ‘ushr’ version 0.2.3

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actg315raw Data from ACTG315 trial of HIV viral load in adults undergoing ART
add_noise Add noise to viral load observations
biphasic_root Biphasic root function
filter_data Prepare input data
filter_dataTTS Prepare input data for non-parametric TTS calculations.
fit_model Fit model and obtain parameter estimates
fit_model_triphasic Fit model and obtain parameter estimates
get_biphasic Compute the biphasic model curve
get_CI Calculate parameter confidence intervals
get_CItable Make parameter summary table
get_curve Compute the model for a given subject's data and best-fit parameters
get_error Evaluate error metric between data and model prediction
get_error_triphasic Evaluate error metric between data and model prediction
get_nonparametricTTS Non-parametric TTS function
get_optim_fit Fit model to data using optim
get_optim_fit_triphasic Fit triphasic model to data using optim
get_parametricTTS Parametric TTS function
get_params Extract fitted parameters
get_plottheme Get plotting theme
get_singlephase Compute the single phase model curve
get_transformed_params Transform parameters
get_triphasic Compute the triphasic model curve
get_TTS Time to suppression (TTS) function
plot_data Plot data
plot_model Plot model fits
plot_pairs Plot pairwise parameter distributions
plot_TTS Plot time to suppression distribution
remove_vl0 Prune viral load data
simulate_data Create data function
simulate_time Simulate timepoints for subjects
simulate_time_fixed Simulate timepoints for subjects according to fixed design.
simulate_vl Simulate vl for subjects
single_root Single phase root function
summarize_model Summarize model output
switch_params Switch names of rate parameters
switch_simulated_params Switch names of simulated rate parameters
transformVL Transform viral load data
triphasic_root Triphasic root function
tri_switch_params Switch names of rate parameters
ushr Master function
ushr_triphasic Master function for the triphasic model