create_from_github {usethis}R Documentation

Create a project from a GitHub repo


Creates a new local project and Git repository from a repo on GitHub, by either cloning or fork-and-cloning. In the fork-and-clone case, create_from_github() also does additional remote and branch setup, leaving you in the perfect position to make a pull request with pr_init(), one of several functions for working with pull requests.

create_from_github() works best when your GitHub credentials are discoverable. See below for more about authentication.


  destdir = NULL,
  fork = NA,
  rstudio = NULL,
  open = rlang::is_interactive(),
  protocol = git_protocol(),
  host = NULL



A string identifying the GitHub repo in one of these forms:

  • Plain OWNER/REPO spec

  • Browser URL, such as ""

  • HTTPS Git URL, such as ""

  • SSH Git URL, such as ""


Destination for the new folder, which will be named according to the REPO extracted from repo_spec. Defaults to the location stored in the global option usethis.destdir, if defined, or to the user's Desktop or similarly conspicuous place otherwise.


If FALSE, we clone repo_spec. If TRUE, we fork repo_spec, clone that fork, and do additional setup favorable for future pull requests:

  • The source repo, repo_spec, is configured as the upstream remote, using the indicated protocol.

  • The local DEFAULT branch is set to track upstream/DEFAULT, where DEFAULT is typically main or master. It is also immediately pulled, to cover the case of a pre-existing, out-of-date fork.

If fork = NA (the default), we check your permissions on repo_spec. If you can push, we set fork = FALSE, If you cannot, we set fork = TRUE.


Initiate an RStudio Project? Defaults to TRUE if in an RStudio session and project has no pre-existing .Rproj file. Defaults to FALSE otherwise (but note that the cloned repo may already be an RStudio Project, i.e. may already have a .Rproj file).


If TRUE, activates the new project:

  • If using RStudio desktop, the package is opened in a new session.

  • If on RStudio server, the current RStudio project is activated.

  • Otherwise, the working directory and active project is changed.


One of "https" or "ssh"


GitHub host to target, passed to the .api_url argument of gh::gh(). If repo_spec is a URL, host is extracted from that.

If unspecified, gh defaults to "", although gh's default can be customised by setting the GITHUB_API_URL environment variable.

For a hypothetical GitHub Enterprise instance, either "" or "" is acceptable.

Git/GitHub Authentication

Many usethis functions, including those documented here, potentially interact with GitHub in two different ways:

Therefore two types of auth can happen and your credentials must be discoverable. Which credentials do we mean?

Git/GitHub credential management is covered in a dedicated article: Managing Git(Hub) Credentials

See Also


## Not run: 

# repo_spec can be a URL

# a URL repo_spec also specifies the host (e.g. GitHub Enterprise instance)

## End(Not run)

[Package usethis version 3.0.0 Index]