get_roc_stats {usefun}R Documentation

Generate ROC statistics


Use this function to generate the most useful statistics related to the generation of a basic ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve.


get_roc_stats(df, pred_col, label_col, direction = "<")



a data.frame with (at least) two columns. See next two parameters for what values these two columns should have (which should match one to one).


string. The name of the column of the df data.frame that has the prediction values. The values can be any numeric, negative, positive or zero. What matters is the ranking of these values which is clarified with the direction parameter.


string. The name of the column of the df data.frame that has the true positive labelings/observed classes for the prediction values. This column must have either 1 or 0 elements representing either a positive or negative classification label for the corresponding values.


string. Can be either > or < (default value) and indicates the direction/ranking of the prediction values with respect to the positive class labeling (for a specific threshold). If smaller prediction values indicate the positive class/label use < whereas if larger prediction values indicate the positive class/label (e.g. probability of positive class), use >.


A list with two elements:

The returned results provide an easy way to compute two optimal cutpoints (thresholds) that dichotomize the predictions to positive and negative. The first is the Youden index, which is the maximum vertical distance from the ROC curve to the chance line or positive diagonal. The second is the point of the ROC curve closest to the (0,1) - the point of perfect differentiation. See examples below.


# load libraries

# load test tibble
test_file = system.file("extdata", "test_df.tsv", package = "usefun", mustWork = TRUE)
test_df = readr::read_tsv(test_file, col_types = "di")

# get ROC stats
res = get_roc_stats(df = test_df, pred_col = "score", label_col = "observed")

# Plot ROC with a legend showing the AUC value
plot(x = res$roc_stats$FPR, y = res$roc_stats$TPR,
  type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = '#377EB8', main = 'ROC curve',
  xlab = 'False Positive Rate (FPR)', ylab = 'True Positive Rate (TPR)')
legend('bottomright', legend = round(res$AUC, digits = 3),
  title = 'AUC', col = '#377EB8', pch = 19)
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = '#FF726F', lty = 2)

# Get two possible cutoffs
youden_index_df = res$roc_stats %>%
  filter(dist_from_chance == max(dist_from_chance))
min_classification_df = res$roc_stats %>%
  filter(dist_from_0_1 == min(dist_from_0_1))

[Package usefun version 0.5.0 Index]