A Collection of Handy, Useful Functions

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useful-package Helper functions
autoplot.acf autoplot.acf
binary.flip binary.flip
bottomleft Grabs the bottom left corner of a data set
bottomright Grabs the bottom right corner of a data set
build.formula Formula Builder
build.x build.x
build.y build.y
cart2pol cart2pol
classdf classdf
colsToBack colsToFront
colsToFront colsToFront
compare.list List Comparison
ComputeHartigan Compute Hartigan's Number
constant constant
corner corner
corner.data.frame corner
corner.default corner
corner.matrix corner
corner.table corner
find.case find.case
FitKMeans Fit a series of kmeans clusterings and compute Hartigan's Number
ForceDataFrame ForceDataFrame
fortify.acf fortify.acf
fortify.kmeans fortify.kmeans
fortify.ts fortify.ts
indexToPosition indexToPosition
interval.check interval.check
left Grabs the left side of a data set
load_packages load_packages
lower.case lower.case
mapping Map numbers to interval
MapToInterval Map numbers to interval
mixed.case mixed.case
moveToBack moveToFront
moveToFront moveToFront
multiple multiple
multiple.comma multiple.comma
multiple.dollar multiple.dollar
multiple.identity multiple.identity
multiple_format multiple_format
numeric.case numeric.case
plot.acf plot.acf
plot.kmeans plot.kmeans
plot.times.series plotTimesSeries
PlotHartigan Plot a series of Hartigan's Numbers
plotTimesSeries plotTimesSeries
pol2cart pol2cart
positionToIndex positionToIndex
reclass reclass
reclass<- reclass
right Grabs the right side of a data set
shift.column shift.column
simple.impute simple.impute
simple.impute.data.frame simple.impute.data.frame
simple.impute.default simple.impute.default
simple.impute.tbl_df simple.impute.tbl_df
subMultiple subVector
subOut Sub special characters out of a character vector.
subSpecials Sub special characters out of character vectors.
subVector subVector
timeSingle timeSingle
topleft Grabs the top left corner of a data set
topright Grabs the top right corner of a data set
ts.plotter ts.plotter
uniqueBidirection uniqueBidirection
upper.case upper.case
useful Helper functions
vplayout vplayout
WhichCorner WhichCorner