facts {usa} | R Documentation |
US State Facts
Updated version of the datasets::state.x77 matrix, which provides eights statistics from the 1970's. This version is a modern data frame format with updated (and alternative) statistics.
A tibble with 52 rows and 9 variables:
- name
Full state name
- population
Population estimate (September 26, 2019)
- votes
Votes in the Electoral College (following the 2010 Census)
- admission
The data which the state was admitted to the union
- income
Per capita income (2018)
- life_exp
Life expectancy in years (2017-18)
- murder
Murder rate per 100,000 population (2018)
- college
Percent adult population with at least a bachelor's degree or greater (2019)
- heat
Mean number of degree days (temperature requires heating) per year from 1981-2010
Population: https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/datasets/2010-2018/state/detail/SCPRC-EST2018-18+POP-RES.csv
Electoral College: https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/allocation
Income: https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?tid=ACSST1Y2018.S1903
GDP: https://www.bea.gov/system/files/2019-11/qgdpstate1119.xlsx
Literacy: https://nces.ed.gov/naal/estimates/StateEstimates.aspx
Life Expectancy: https://web.archive.org/web/20231129160338/https://usa.mortality.org/
Education: https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?q=S1501
Temperature: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/normals/1981-2010/products/temperature/ann-cldd-normal.txt