Non-Interactive Spatial Tools for Raster Processing and Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘ursa’ version 3.10.4

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z misc

ursa-package Overview

-- A --

about Overview
aggregate.ursaRaster Zonal statistics for raster maps
allocate Rasterization of point data into grid cells
as.array.ursaRaster Export raster object to multidimensional array Spatial parameters of raster images. Convert raster image to a data frame
as.integer Transform values to type integer
as.integer.ursaRaster Transform values to type integer
as.list.ursaRaster List of raster images.
as.matrix.ursaRaster Convert raster image to a matrix
as.Raster Coercion to package 'raster' objects
as.Raster.list Coercion to package 'raster' objects
as.Raster.NULL Coercion to package 'raster' objects
as.Raster.ursaBrick Coercion to package 'raster' objects
as.Raster.ursaRaster Coercion to package 'raster' objects
as.raster.ursaRaster Export raster object to a colored representation.
as.Raster.ursaStack Coercion to package 'raster' objects
as.table Frequency of unique values
as.table.ursaRaster Frequency of unique values
as.ursa Create raster image from R objects or GDAL raster files.
Assign assign values to the portion of raster images
as_stars Raster coercion to ''stars''
as_ursa Create raster image from R objects or GDAL raster files.

-- B --

bandname Band names for raster image.
bandname<- Band names for raster image.
band_blank Does any band contain no information?
band_max Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_mean Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_min Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_n Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_nNA Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_quantile Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_sd Extract certain statistics of each band.
band_stat Computes statistics for each band of raster.
band_sum Extract certain statistics of each band.

-- C --

c.ursaRaster Combine bands into raster brick.
chunk_band Get indices for partial image reading/writing
chunk_expand Get indices for partial image reading/writing
chunk_line Get indices for partial image reading/writing
class-ursaCategory Values of raster images.
class-ursaColorTable Color Tables of raster images.
class-ursaConnection Connection of raster objects.
class-ursaGrid Spatial parameters of raster images.
class-ursaNumeric Values of raster images.
class-ursaRaster Definition of 'ursaRaster' class.
class-ursaStack List of raster images.
class-ursaValue Values of raster images.
close.ursaProgressBar Progress bar
close.ursaRaster Close connections for files with data
close_envi Close connections for files with data
colorize Create color table
commonGeneric Some generic functions for 'ursaRaster' class.
Complex.ursaRaster Group Generic Functions for raster image
compose_close Finish plotting
compose_coastline Add coastline to the image panel.
compose_design Organize multi-panel layout with images and color bars.
compose_graticule Add latitude/longitude or metric grid to the image panel.
compose_legend Plot colorbars or marginal texts.
compose_open Start displaying
compose_panel Plot raster images and decorations on the multipanel layout.
compose_plot Plot layout of images and color bars.
compress Reduce and restore dimenstions for sparse data matrix
consistent_grid Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
coord_cr Get value and coordinates from location
coord_xy Get value and coordinates from location
create_envi Create ENVI or GDAL files on disk
create_gdal Create ENVI or GDAL files on disk
cubehelix Generate "cubehelix" palette.

-- D --

decompress Reduce and restore dimenstions for sparse data matrix
diff.ursaRaster Some generic functions for 'ursaRaster' class.
dim.ursaGrid Spatial parameters of raster images.
dim.ursaRaster Dimension of multiband raster image
dim<-.ursaRaster Dimension of multiband raster image
discolor Destroy color table for raster images.
display Plot raster image(s) in the PNG format.
display_brick Plot multi-band homogenous raster image in the PNG format.
display_hetero Plot multi-band heterogenous raster images in the PNG format.
display_homo Plot multi-band homogenous raster image in the PNG format.
display_rgb Plot RGB (RGBA) color composition in the PNG format.
display_stack Plot multi-band heterogenous raster images in the PNG format.
duplicated.ursaRaster Some generic functions for 'ursaRaster' class.

-- E --

envi_copy ENVI File Manipulation
envi_exists ENVI File Manipulation
envi_list ENVI File Manipulation
envi_remove ENVI File Manipulation
envi_rename ENVI File Manipulation
Extract Extract portion of raster images

-- F --

focal_extrem Extremal spatial filter for image
focal_max Extremal spatial filter for image
focal_mean Low-pass spatial filter for image.
focal_median Median spatial filter for image
focal_min Extremal spatial filter for image
focal_special Custom spatial filtering for image

-- G --

get_earthdata Retrive data from Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS) using API for Developers
glance Command line utility for spatial view of raster or vector GIS file.
global_max Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_mean Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_median Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_min Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_n Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_nNA Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_quantile Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_range Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_sd Extract certains statistics for whole image
global_sum Extract certains statistics for whole image
groupGeneric Group Generic Functions for raster image
groupGeneric.ursaRaster Group Generic Functions for raster image

-- H --

head.ursaRaster Extract first and last bands of raster image
hist.ursaRaster Histogram of raster image
histogram Histogram of raster image

-- I --

ignorevalue Extract and assign 'nodata' value of raster images.
ignorevalue<- Extract and assign 'nodata' value of raster images.
image.ursaRaster Simple display of raster images
index Overview
is.infinite.ursaRaster 'No data' values for raster images. 'No data' values for raster images.<-.ursaRaster 'No data' values for raster images.
is.nan.ursaRaster 'No data' values for raster images.
is.ursa Definition of 'ursaRaster' class.
is_spatial Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
is_spatial_lines Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
is_spatial_points Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
is_spatial_polygons Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
is_ursa Definition of 'ursaRaster' class.

-- L --

legend_align Align caption position for legend
legend_colorbar Plot colorbar
legend_mtext Write marginal text
length.ursaRaster Get number of bands of raster image.
local_all Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_any Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_length Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_max Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_mean Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_median Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_min Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_quantile Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_sd Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_stat Bundle of statistics, which is applied to each cell of multi-band image.
local_sum Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
local_var Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.

-- M --

Math.ursaRaster Group Generic Functions for raster image
mean.ursaRaster Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
median.ursaRaster Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.

-- N --

na.omit.ursaRaster Drop bands which don't have data.
names.ursaColorTable Color Tables of raster images.
names.ursaRaster Band names for raster image.
names<-.ursaColorTable Color Tables of raster images.
names<-.ursaRaster Band names for raster image.
nband Get number of bands of raster image.

-- O --

open_envi open_envi file
open_gdal Open GDAL file
Ops.ursaRaster Group Generic Functions for raster image

-- P --

palettize Create color table
panel_abline Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_annotation Add label or annotation to the image panel.
panel_box Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_coastline Add coastline to the image panel.
panel_contour Add colored contour to the image panel
panel_decor Add auxiliary elements to the plotting panel.
panel_graticule Add latitude/longitude or metric grid to the image panel.
panel_lines Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_new Start plotting on the new image panel
panel_plot Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_points Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_polygon Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_raster Add raster to the image panel
panel_scalebar Add scale bar to the image panel
panel_segments Add graphical elements to the image panel
panel_shading Shaded overlay by image mask
panel_text Add graphical elements to the image panel
pixelsize The actual size of each grid cell with considerable distortion in area of map projection.
plot.ursaRaster Simple display of raster images
polygonize Raster to vector (polygon) conversion.
print.ursaCategory Values of raster images.
print.ursaColorTable Color Tables of raster images.
print.ursaConnection Connection of raster objects.
print.ursaGrid Spatial parameters of raster images.
print.ursaNumeric Values of raster images.
print.ursaRaster Definition of 'ursaRaster' class.

-- Q --

quantile.ursaRaster Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.

-- R --

read_envi Read ENVI .hdr Labelled Raster file to memory
read_gdal Read GDAL supported raster files.
reclass Reclassify specific values of image
regrid Change raster image resolution and extent
rep Replicate bands of raster image.
rep.ursaRaster Replicate bands of raster image.
Replace assign values to the portion of raster images

-- S --

seek.ursaConnection Connection of raster objects.
segmentize Create segmented line from points' sequence
seq.ursaGrid Sequence Generation for raster image and coordinate grid
seq.ursaRaster Sequence Generation for raster image and coordinate grid
series Extract first and last bands of raster image
session_bbox Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_cellsize Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_crs Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_dim Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_grid Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_pngviewer Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_proj Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_proj4 Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_tempdir Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
session_use_experimental_functions Get and set sessional parameters for grid, CRS, external software for open PNG files.
setUrsaProgressBar Progress bar
sort Sort multiband raster by band names.
sort.ursaRaster Sort multiband raster by band names.
spatial_area Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_basename Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_bbox Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_bbox<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_bind Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_buffer Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_centroid Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_colnames Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_colnames<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_coordinates Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_count Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_crs Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_crs<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_data Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_data<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_difference Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_dim Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_dir Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_engine Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_fields Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_fields<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_filelist Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_geometry Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_geometry<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_geotype Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_grid Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_intersection Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_length Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_levelsplit Drops spatial object with overlapped geometry to spatial object with non-overlapped geometry.
spatial_ncol Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_nrow Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_pattern Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_proj Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_proj4 Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_proj4<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_proj<- Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_read Wrapper functions for reading spatial objects.
spatial_shape Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_symdifference Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_transform Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_trim Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_union Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_valid Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster spatial objects
spatial_write Wrapper functions for writing spatial objects.
str.ursaGrid Spatial parameters of raster images.
str.ursaRaster Definition of 'ursaRaster' class.
Subset Extract portion of raster images
summary.ursaCategory Summary of raster image.
summary.ursaNumeric Summary of raster image.
Summary.ursaRaster Group Generic Functions for raster image
summary.ursaRaster Summary of raster image.

-- T --

tail.ursaRaster Extract first and last bands of raster image
temporal_interpolate Fill gaps across bands using moving mean window
temporal_mean Smooth value across bands using moving mean window

-- U --

unlist.ursaStack List of raster images.
update_coastline Add coastline to the image panel.
ursa Get and set properties of raster image.
ursa<- Get and set properties of raster image.
ursaLayout Organize multi-panel layout with images and color bars.
ursaProgressBar Progress bar
ursaStack List of raster images.
ursa_apply List of raster images.
ursa_bbox Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_blank Does any band contain no information?
ursa_brick List of raster images.
ursa_cache Cache management of ursa package
ursa_color Color Tables of raster images.
ursa_colorindex Color Tables of raster images.
ursa_colortable Color Tables of raster images.
ursa_colortable<- Color Tables of raster images.
ursa_columns Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_crop Crop 'no data' margins.
ursa_crs Extract and assign projection of raster images.
ursa_crs<- Extract and assign projection of raster images.
ursa_dummy Generate raster image for examples.
ursa_exists ENVI File Manipulation
ursa_extent Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_grid Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_grid<- Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_hist Histogram of raster image
ursa_info Print metadata for raster image.
ursa_lines Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_ncol Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_new Create raster image in memory
ursa_nodata Extract and assign 'nodata' value of raster images.
ursa_nodata<- Extract and assign 'nodata' value of raster images.
ursa_nrow Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_open Open GDAL file
ursa_proj Extract and assign projection of raster images.
ursa_proj4 Extract and assign projection of raster images.
ursa_proj4<- Extract and assign projection of raster images.
ursa_proj<- Extract and assign projection of raster images.
ursa_read Read GDAL supported raster files.
ursa_rows Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_samples Extract and assign spatial parameters of raster images.
ursa_seqc Sequence Generation for raster image and coordinate grid
ursa_seqr Sequence Generation for raster image and coordinate grid
ursa_seqx Sequence Generation for raster image and coordinate grid
ursa_seqy Sequence Generation for raster image and coordinate grid
ursa_stack List of raster images.
ursa_table Frequency of unique values
ursa_value Values of raster images.
ursa_value<- Values of raster images.
ursa_write Write raster image to GDAL file(s)
ursula Overview

-- V --

value_cr Get value and coordinates from location
value_ll Get value and coordinates from location
value_xy Get value and coordinates from location

-- W --

whiteboxing Wrapper to WhiteboxTools
write_envi Write raster image to ENVI .hdr Labelled Raster file.
write_gdal Write raster image to GDAL file(s)

-- Z --

zonal_stat Zonal statistics for raster maps

-- misc --

.as.array Export raster object to multidimensional array Convert raster image to a data frame
.average Create single-band raster using statistics of multi-bands raster.
.compose_close Finish plotting
.compose_coastline Add coastline to the image panel.
.compose_graticule Add latitude/longitude or metric grid to the image panel.
.glance Command line utility for spatial view of raster or vector GIS file.
.legend_colorbar Plot colorbar
.legend_mtext Write marginal text
.panel_annotation Add label or annotation to the image panel.
.panel_coastline Add coastline to the image panel.
.panel_graticule Add latitude/longitude or metric grid to the image panel.
.panel_new Start plotting on the new image panel
.panel_raster Add raster to the image panel
.panel_scalebar Add scale bar to the image panel
.regrid Change raster image resolution and extent
[.ursaColorTable Color Tables of raster images.
[.ursaRaster Extract portion of raster images
[<- assign values to the portion of raster images
[<-.ursaRaster assign values to the portion of raster images
[[.ursaRaster Convert raster image to a matrix